Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

-Dina Murry's POV-

"Right then; we're alone now. What is it that is so secretive you couldn't have told me in the Great Hall?"

Draco asked impatiently as he threw his body on the green leather couch in front of the welcoming fireplace, and he made himself comfortable, propping his feet up on one of the couch's arms and swinging his hands behind his head. I was highly grateful for the existence of the fireplace; the Slytherin common room can get very chilly at times, considering the fact that it was located in the hostile, cold dungeons of the castle and its windows looked out at the marine life under the water of the Black Lake.

I cleared my throat anxiously, and clutched Kol's note tightly in the pocket of my robes, and I heaved out a breath. "My friend from New Orleans wants to see me as soon as possible. He has to tell me something, and I'm sure it isn't good news."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows at me and gave me a thoughtful look as he said, "Alright then – I'm sure you can see that friend of yours in Hogsmeade this weekend."

I frowned perplexedly. "Hogs – What?"

He rolled his grey eyes warily. "The closest village to Hogwarts is Hogsmeade. Students are allowed to go there every weekend, so I'm sure you can as well."

I pursed my lips nervously. "There's one more thing."

Draco looked at me curiously. "What is it?"

I decided to stare at the crackling fire instead of into his prying grey eyes, as I asked slowly, "Do any of the shops there have ... sensor spells that can detect when a supernatural being has entered?"

Draco shot me an incredulous look, peering at me as though I've grown a second head.

"Dina, what are your friends in New Orleans like?" Draco asked cautiously.

I gulped. "They're very nice people and –"

"Dina." He interrupted me, and I was forced to look into his grey eyes as they bore into mine firmly, never wavering in the slightest and I finally cracked.

"They're vampires." I whispered.

-Draco Malfoy's P.O.V-

I blinked several times as I tried to take in this new sort of information. Vampires? Dina Murry is friends with vampires? My jaw hung ajar as I stared at Dina blankly, and she fidgeted as she stood, and I was now sitting upright on the couch.

"They're what?!" I finally snapped, and Dina slightly flinched.

"They're vampires, Draco. I said –"

"I know what you said, Dina, but what the hell? You've been spending four years of your life with disgraceful creatures, which by the way, are absurdly dangerous and –"

"Disgraceful? Watch your tongue, Malfoy – these people are the reason I'm still bloody alive. They've helped me grow stronger and more confident, and I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for them." Dina snapped at me, her eyes narrowing into slits at me, resembling a snake's pair of sly, cunning eyes.

It astonished me to find her so defensive of such vile creatures, and I had no idea how she managed to live for four years without having them drain her blood.

"People? You refer to them as people?" I asked in disbelief.

Dina scoffed. "I knew you wouldn't understand."

I stood up from my seat and faced her. "Of course I don't bloody understand, Dina. How could you manage to stay alive with blood sucking creatures for four bloody years?!"

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