Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

-Dina Murry's POV-

I sat glumly during my Transfiguration class, listening to Professor McGonagall drawl out her explanation on how to transfigure animals into jewelry. I wasn't exactly listening to her – my eyes were fixed on her, but my ears seemed to have stopped functioning. It's like my body was present, but my soul was elsewhere.

It's been three days since Kol had paid me a visit, bearing the terrible news of the death of my best friend, Davina Claire. I haven't seen him since then, and I don't think I'm prepared to see him any time soon – he did, after all, kill her; perhaps not intentionally, but he did anyway, and I'm not ready to look him in the eye and go easy on him.

I sighed inaudibly and tore my gaze away from McGonagall's wrinkled face and to my empty parchment, which should have been full, because I caught the Mudblood Granger furiously scribbling down notes on her third page. I rolled my eyes at her and dropped my quill on the table, not finding any use to hold it, because I knew very well that I wasn't going to write anything down.

Theodore, naturally, was seated beside me, for he and I took Transfiguration together. I knew that Blaise and Draco had Charms class at the moment and Daphne had Care of Magical Creatures. Nott had one elbow propped on the table, his palm holding his head up as his eyes bore onto McGonagall's figure in complete and utter boredom.

I caught myself admiring the way he presented himself. There was just something rather alluring about Theodore Nott. I just realised that Draco and him were far different from each other. Theodore was more relaxed and lax, while Draco was always alert and cautious. Theodore was more playful, but perhaps that was because Theodore was not a Death Eater, unlike Draco and I.

Draco has been giving me a lot of space these past three days. I haven't been accompanying him to the Room of Requirement, and I haven't helped him look for ways to fix the Vanishing Cabinet, and he didn't bother asking for my help, and I was rather grateful for him understanding my situation. Of course I felt guilty for not helping him, but honestly, I couldn't bear allowing myself to help evil succeed, just like how evil succeeded in messing with Kol's mind and forcing him to kill the love of his life.

I found myself clenching my fists furiously as I thought about it, and my glare hardened Theodore's parchment, and as a result, it caught fire. Theodore's eyes widened in alarm and horror as his body lurched backwards to safety and he whipped out his wand and murmured a spell quietly, which put out the fire before anyone could notice the commotion. We were seated at the far back of the classroom, so no one really noticed.

Theodore twisted his head sideways to look at me, a look of disbelief on his charming face.

"What the bloody hell was that, Dina?" He asked, his eyes wide, and his tone hinting a bit of irritation.

I sighed and looked away from him guiltily. "I'm sorry, Theo. I'm just ... not myself lately."

Theodore cautiously placed his hand on my shoulder, his face revealing slight concern for me, which was honestly quite flattering, but I didn't even have the energy to blush.

"I can see that. Actually, we all can. Blaise, Daphne, Draco and I have noticed your sudden change of behavior for a while now. You can talk to any of us if you'd like. You know that." He spoke softly, and I bit my tongue to avoid telling him that Draco knew everything.

It was only Draco who knew about what had happened, considering the fact that he was there when it did, and although he was compelled to forget everything that was said in the Shrieking Shack, I figured Kol had grudgingly told him what happened so that I could have someone to be there for me in his absence.

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