Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

"Remember to work harder on your task, sweetheart – alright? Don't get distracted." Dina's mother whispered in Dina's ear as she hugged her goodbye in front of the Hogwarts Express.

Dina felt completely numb as she stood limp in her mother's embrace and waited for Draco to gently nudge her towards the train, his large hand against the small of her back, where she'd feel her skin sizzle with passion, lust, and pleasure.

There was no denying that the night of Christmas Eve has brought the couple closer to one another, in so many ways imaginable.

"Let's go, Din." Draco whispered in her ear, and chastely kissed the top of her head, and she faintly smiled, her heart tugging at her chest.

Dina and Draco found a compartment in the Slytherin section of the train, and sat beside each other, her head resting on his shoulder.

"You alright?" Draco asked in concern.

Dina hummed. "Let's see. My life has been falling apart ever since I've left New Orleans, however, the only thing keeping me from going rogue is this inexplicably handsome boy with this gorgeous blonde hair and mesmerising grey eyes."

Draco smirked down at her. "Oh yeah? The way you describe him gives me the impression that you are so infatuated by him."

Dina grinned at her boyfriend. "Oh, believe me, Malfoy – it's more than just infatuation. I love him."

Draco couldn't hide the smile forming on his lips, and he dipped his head and his lips found hers in an instant.

That moment immediately evaporated into thin air when the compartment door was swung open violently.

"For the last time, Parkinson, it's not called Adolescent Wolf, it's Teen Wolf." Theodore's irritated tone vibrated across the small compartment.

"What kind of comical name is that? I honestly don't think I can ever understand the level of stupidity that beholds muggles." Pansy spoke in repulsion.

Theodore groaned. "Teen Wolf is the best muggle show in existence. Not that you would know, you illiterate buffoon."

"Hey!" Pansy screeched.

Theodore's irate expression morphed into one of elation and yelled, "DINA! DRACO!"

He flung himself at the couple, and Dina's eyes widened in alarm when he threw his body on them, and Draco began to whine about how heavy Theodore was.

"Theo! I've missed you." Dina laughed as she placed her hand on his head and her fingers weaved through his dark hair.

Naturally, Draco pulled her hand away from Theodore's hair and intertwined her fingers with his possessively and Dina smirked teasingly at her boyfriend, who only scowled at the back of Theodore's head.

"Hey, any of you heard from Daphne and Blaise?" Theodore curiously asked. "They haven't contacted neither Pansy nor I during the holidays."

Draco and Dina shared an apprehensive glance, but Draco cleared his throat and shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"Uh, no. No, we haven't heard from them either."

Just then, Dina felt an additional weight in the pocket of her school robes, and she gently pushed Theodore off her as she slipped out what appeared to be a letter.

Pansy's eyes narrowed.

"What have you got there, Murry?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Pug-face."

Draco snorted, and Theo howled laughing.

"Man, that just never gets old, does it?" Theodore asked amusedly, and Pansy's face flushed in sheer embarrassment.

Dina flipped over the letter to read the message at the back.

To: Dina Murry

From: The Mikaelsons

Merry Christmas. Xx

She smiled, her eyes slightly tearing up and her chest swelling up with longing for her family back in New Orleans. She intended on opening the letter when she had more privacy than what a packed compartment can offer. She placed it back in her pocket.

The ride to Hogwarts was quite mundane, what with Theodore Nott nibbling on liquorice wands while staring out the window at the depressingly gloomy sky outside, and Draco taking a nap beside Dina, Pansy reading the Daily Prophet, and Dina fiddling with the letter in her pocket while thinking of the burdens that were piling on her shoulders.

After the feast, and Dina was finally back in her dormitory which she now shared with just Pansy, Millicent and Tracy, (no Daphne), Dina slipped out the letter from her pocket as she sat on her bed with her drapes drawn shut, and she opened the letter.

Dearest Dina,

Merry Christmas! We terribly miss you, and Christmas is quite dull without you. The person currently writing to you is Kol, obviously, so hello my little partner in crime! We all have a surprise for you, by the way, but you can't know what it is just yet. Sorry, love, Elijah's rules – not mine.

Anyway, I hope Christmas with your parents wasn't too terrible. If it was, then you'd be pleased to know that Christmas in New Orleans wasn't that peaceful either. Things have been insanely tense with our family against the witches – and it is really stressing all of us out, because on top of all that, we all know how impatient Klaus can be.

Speaking of Klaus, he wishes to write to you as well! I love you. X

Hello, Dina. It's Klaus writing to you. I just skimmed over what my brother has written to you, and I beg to differ. I'm not impatient, I am simply not one to fool around. I will not have anyone go anywhere near my family to harm them, and that includes you too, you know. You haven't written to us in so long, and it truly worries us. Is someone after you or trying to harm you in any way possible? We are aware of the dark forces where you are and what evil lurks around, so if you're in any sort of mess, please let us know. I'm sure Freya would be glad to help you no matter what your issue is with whomever is trying to get in your way. If it helps too, I would gladly take a flight to England and rip off your threat's neck.

At the mention of Freya, it's her turn to write to you. Take care, little one. X

Hey, Dina. Happy Christmas, dearest. I suppose spending the holiday with your biological family can't be as exciting and welcoming as spending it with us, but I assure you that you haven't missed out on any fun. Although, your help could have actually been very useful. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I'm sure you have troubles of your own to take care of, and if you ever need our help, we are here for you, always and forever. I now hand the letter over to Elijah.

Merry Christmas, Dina Mikaelson. Let's admit it, your name sounds much better that way. I hope you are having a lot of fun at Hogwarts. I know you've always dreamt of going there, and now that you are living your dream, don't you dare let anyone attempt to snatch it away from you. I miss you dearly, and I hope I get to see you soon. I'll let Hailey take over now.

Hi, Dina. How've you been? It's been such a long time since we've seen or heard from you, so please let us know how you are, and reassure us about you and your health. I hope everything is alright, and that you are safe and happy. Merry Christmas from me and Hope! She misses you, that's for sure.

Write to us as soon as you get this, will you?

Kind Regards,

The Mikaelsons.

Dina Murry hugged the letter to her chest as she allowed the tears to silently flow down her cheeks. Her life was falling apart and she knew that, and now that she received a letter from the people who did nothing but love her, she knew she had to keep striving and finish this deadful task she's been burdened with so that she'd escape back to New Orleans and have nothing to do with her Wizarding World anymore. She just hopes that Draco Malfoy would be willing to leave his life behind and accompany her.

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