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5 Years Later

Dina Murry stood there on the altar in St Mary-le-Bow church in Rome, dressed in a white, extravagantly gorgeous wedding dress, all laced up and with a bare back, and a heart-shaped chest, hugging her figure immaculately and showing off her body. She was holding a bouquet of lilies and lavender, and she was facing the man whom she'd spend the rest of her life with happily.

Draco Malfoy gazed lovingly at her as he faced her, drinking in the breathtaking sight of Dina Murry in the wedding dress she had picked out for their wedding. He could hardly believe that he was standing right in front of her, in his posh suit, about to marry her, and be completely hers and no one else's. He was far too impatient as the Priest talked.

"The bride and groom have chosen to say their own vows." He stated, as he smiled at Draco.

Draco grinned, as Theodore and Blaise stood behind him, dressed in their most expensive suits, being his best men, and winking playfully at Dina. Behind her stood Daphne and Davina, who were silently giggling excitedly at what was about to happen before them. In the seats sat Klaus, Kol, Elijah, Freya, Rebekah, and Hayley, who was holding her daughter, Hope, on her lap, as they all watched happily. Lucius and Narsissa Malfoy had joined the wedding too, and they watched their son get married happily. Dina's father did not come, and honestly, Dina secretly did not want him to, even though she sent him a wedding invitation anyway. He made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, and that she was the reason his wife had gotten killed. Dina was content with letting her father go, and she wished him nothing but peace and happiness.

"Dina," Draco started as he held her hands in his gently. "I met you at a very low point in my life, where I thought I had no hope to be the person I've always wanted to be. But you showed me that it was still possible. You showed me the light in life, and brought out the absolute best in me. You taught me how to love someone unconditionally. When I'm with you, I find it so hard to breathe because you consume me, Dina. Your existence makes me so breathless, and making you happy for the rest of my life is the least I could do to repay you for everything you've done for me. You are my light, Dina Murry. You always will be." He slowly slipped her wedding ring through her ring finger, and Dina stared up at him with the brightest smile imaginable, and her eyes tearing up with sheer joy.

She laughed softly as she blinked the tears away, and cleared her throat, before squeezing Draco's hands and commencing, "Draco, I have been on the run for so many years, to the point where I'd forgotten what it was like to settle down and actuall...

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She laughed softly as she blinked the tears away, and cleared her throat, before squeezing Draco's hands and commencing, "Draco, I have been on the run for so many years, to the point where I'd forgotten what it was like to settle down and actually have a place to call home. New Orleans was a home in which I felt loved and welcomed, but I was not whole until I met you. You came into my life and completely flipped it upside down, and all hell broke loose."

Everyone started laughing, including Draco.

Once all was calm again, Dina continued. "And through all this hell, you never left my side. We had our ups and downs, but our ups were far more intense than our downs, and I will forever cherish every moment we had, and I will continue to cherish every new memories we make. You complete my soul, and my love for you will never fade."

She then proceeded to slip his wedding ring through his ring finger, leaving Draco to smile broadly and practically bounce in his place, too eager to make this official, once and for all.

She then proceeded to slip his wedding ring through his ring finger, leaving Draco to smile broadly and practically bounce in his place, too eager to make this official, once and for all

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"Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Dina Murry to be your wedded wife?" The Priest asked.

Draco, grinning down at Dina, quickly and easily responded, "I do."

"And do you, Dina Murry, take Draco Malfoy to be your wedded husband?"

Dina laughed, "I do!"

"Then I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Draco quickly leaned forward and softly kissed Dina's lips, placing his large, rough hands gently on Dina's waist and pulling her closer to him. Dina placed her hands on Draco's chest and kissed him back, a wide smile on her face as she mentally said to herself 'My name is Mrs. Dina Malfoy.'

The wedding proceeded to be a wonderful day, full of dancing and eating, and more dancing, and laughing with one another. Dina eagerly introduced the Mikaelsons to her friends, and her friends were quick to bond with especially Elijah and Kol, for Klaus remained to be a prejudiced hybrid, but Dina loved him for it.

"You okay, love?" Draco piped up beside her, and Dina smiled up at him adoringly.

"I'm fine." She replied sincerely, because she truly was.

"I love you." She randomly confessed, and Draco grinned down at her.

"And I love you so much more. My love is yours to keep, forever." He responded truthfully, and leaned down and kissed her lips sweetly.

As she took a good look around her, at the married couple of Blaise and Daphne hugging, and at the engaged couple of Theodore and Luna feeding each other chocolate-dipped strawberries, and at Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermoine all talking among themselves by the bar (yes, she and Draco gladly invited them, for they'd gotten closer over the years), and at her family of the Mikaelsons and Davina, all present and having a lovely time on her and Draco's special day, Dina couldn't help but let herself smile the entire time.

It was all so perfect, and she couldn't have pictured it to be any better than this.

She loved it all, and she was beyond grateful for having all these amazing people in her life, always and forever.

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