Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

-Dina Murry's POV-

Grinning from ear to ear, I exclaimed, "This is far better than what I imagined!"

Draco shrugged, his face neutral as he replied, "It's alright, really."

Our parents haven't come with us to the train station; instead, Draco and I apparated here on our own, thereby making me grateful that there was no tension around us from our parents' looming figures above us, their eyes watching our every move like hawks.

"Come on, let's find a compartment." Draco beckoned me over to him as he stepped into the train, with me hot on his tail and silently following him, my eyes scurrying from one thing to another as I admired the old insides of the train. Draco walked further into the depths of the train, leading us to the end of the train where I took note of students in compartments who wore black robes with emerald logos sewn on them – they're all slytherins.

"Here we are," Draco sighed as he opened an empty compartment door and held it open for me. I meekly smiled at him before anxiously stepping inside, wanting to desperately conceal myself from the prying eyes of nasty Slytherins. Draco mentioned to me that most Slytherins tend to be highly arrogant, nosy and self-absorbed, as well as snobby, and to be quite frank, these characteristics were naturally inherited by the two of us as well, but I wasn't about to let some other student act all superior over me. The Murrys are of a high status in the wizarding world, only a little higher above the Malfoys, and that makes it difficult for us to be modest.

Draco stepped inside after me and shut the door behind him, before sitting himself down across from me. The train whirred to life, and its engine roared before we were pulled out of the train station steadily.

"When we get there, the first years are escorted to Hogwarts through rowing boats, while everyone else is expected to ride the carriages. Since you haven't been sorted into a house yet, I suppose you're expected to accompany the first years –"

I involuntarily cringed by the fact that I'd have to cram myself in between children, and I suppose Draco noticed my evident discomfort, because he quickly added, "But I'm certain you could join them once we reach the castle. It's alright, you may ride the carriages as well."

I sighed, "Well that's a relief."

Draco allowed a ghost of a smile to flicker on his pale face, before it completely vanished when a loud thump thudded against the compartment door and was swung open to reveal a flurry of tall, snobbish students, all wearing their Slytherin robes.

"DRACOOOOO!" One of the girls screamed delightedly as she flung herself onto Draco and swung her arms around his neck, clinging onto him desperately. I watched amusedly as Draco's eyes widened in alarm, and his head was smacked against the compartment's window, and he groaned in pain.

"Get your hands off me, Pansy." Draco spat and ripped her arms away from him, glaring at her heatedly as she pouted in disappointment.

"Honestly, Draco, it's been three months, three months! And I haven't gotten a single letter from you – not even one!" She complained loudly as she squeezed herself beside him as the other students accompanying her filed into the compartment without an invitation and sitting themselves inside.

There were two girls and four boys, with three boys sitting beside me as I squashed myself against the window uncomfortably, and the final boy and girl sitting beside Draco and the clingy girl, whose beady eyes landed on my figure and her pug-like nose scrunching up in disgust to form a sneer, her dark brown hair bobbing in the process of her stretching her face upwards in arrogance.

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