Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

-Dina Murry's POV-

I awoke to Pansy's irritating owl incessantly tapping the window restlessly. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes groggily and I stumbled towards the window. Everyone was still asleep, much to my surprise, and so I opened the window and allowed the owl to flutter inside and drop a letter at the foot of Pansy's bed.

I sighed as I watched the owl flutter its wings and soar up and leave the room with a squeak. I shut the window again and walked towards the closet which Daphne and I shared. I pulled out my school shirt, skirt, tie and walked towards the bathroom that the girls and I shared in our dorm room and locked it behind me sleepily.

Discarding my clothes and throwing them on the floor laxly, I stepped into the tub and twisted the faucet and the shower head on, and took a quick shower. I was curious as to how my first day of classes would go, though I didn't dwell much on it; what really perked my interest was how Draco and I would manage to slip away from people and get to work on our task.

I quickly dried myself up and murmured a spell to dry my blood-red hair, and it fell in soft, smooth waves on my bare back. I then got dressed into my full-sleeved white shirt, and buttoned it up, before slipping on my short, black skirt, and fastening my Slytherin green and silver tie around my neck. I picked up my abandoned pajamas off the bathroom floor and shuffled out of the bathroom towards the foot of my bed, where my expensive, brown backpack was situated, full of my textbooks, parchment, an ink bottle and a quill.

After slinging my backpack over my shoulder and slipping my polished black shoes, I exited the dorm room, leaving all the girls still fast asleep. I glanced at my muggle watch strapped on my left wrist (Kol insisted I'd have it), which read 6:30 AM, and I sighed. Classes start at 8 AM sharp, so I had an hour and a half to kill. I made it down to the Slytherin common room, and I was alarmed to find that people were actually awake at this hour. I saw the back of Theodore Nott's head, his black hair messily styled and sticking out in all directions like it was yesterday, and Blaise Zabini's face facing where I stood. They were seated on one couch while they talked heatedly in hushed whispers, and Blaise noticed my presence first, and he nodded towards me gently.

"Good morning, Murry. Slept well?" He asked.

Theodore twisted his body around to face me, shooting me a grin on his attractive face, but not saying anything.

I smiled at the two of them. "I did, thanks."

"Come have a seat with us if you'd like. Are the girls still asleep?" Theodore asked and my eyes fell on his figure.

His first three buttons on his white school shirt were undone, and his full sleeves were messily folded pulled upwards, and the shirt was untucked from his black pants. His Slytherin tie hung undone around his shoulders. I forced myself to tear my gaze away from admiring him and replied, "They're still asleep, er – I was actually hungry, but I don't think I can recall the directions to the Great Hall."

At that, Theodore and Blaise stood up and Theo shuffled towards me while Blaise was busy stuffing his feet into his shoes.

"We'll walk with you; we haven't eaten breakfast yet anyway." Theodore spoke brightly and I couldn't help but smile giddily at him.

I really hated to admit it, but Theodore Nott is quite charming. You would take one good look at him, and you'd find yourself swooning. He was rather tall, and his body was lean and fit. He took good care of how he looks, I was sure of that. But that wasn't what always grabbed my attention. No, it was his beautiful, dazzling smile that he seemed to always have on his face since I've first met him yesterday. His eyes always danced in mischief and happiness, and seriously, his jovial attitude radiated off of him and sent vibes that practically forced you to be joyous as well.

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