Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

-Dina Murry's POV-

I was sobbing as I helplessly clambered up the Malfoy steps to my bedroom, my knees giving way and having to grab onto the railing to support my body and dragging it to the bedroom. The tears haven't ceased rolling down my red cheeks and hitting the floor beneath me as I shut the bedroom door behind me and throwing my body onto my bed.

I gasped for breath, but it's like I was underwater, my lungs suffocating against my ribcage and begging for oxygen but to no avail. My heart was hammering against my aching chest, causing my blood pressure to rapidly rise and cause me to break into a cold sweat. My chest, heaving up and down repeatedly, physically hurt as I laid on the bed, with my back resting against the mattress, my eyes once again meeting the white bland ceiling.

I despise everything.

My lower lip trembled as I let out another loud sob and a fresh batch of tears were prepared to spill out through the corners of my bloodshot, grey eyes. I still cradled my left arm, the excruciating pain still lingering on my forearm where the dark mark rested. I tore my gaze away from the ceiling and sat upright in bed, and finally allowed my vision to land upon the brand on my arm.

I scrunched up my face in pure hatred and loathing as I wished I could burn my arm so I wouldn't have to live the rest of my life knowing that I have become someone's slave. And a slave to who? To an eighteen year old boy who tipped over the wrong side of life and decided to be a dark wizard and wreak havoc everywhere he went. If anything, Tom Riddle was a spoiled, pampered boy. I glared at the mark and pursed my lips furiously. My next meeting with Lord Voldemort is in three days, and till then, I am required to remain idle and not leave Malfoy Manor.

I hated myself more than ever at the moment. If only I had stayed in New Orleans and never left, life wouldn't be so meaningless to me as it is now. I'm a slave now, so what's the point of living?

I stayed awake for a couple of hours, and no matter how much I tried to force myself to sleep, I couldn't – and it was because of my arm, which hurt far more than that time I accidentally broke it while fighting off a vampire who wanted Klaus dead. I glanced at the clock above the vanity, which read 3:10 A.M. and I sighed exhaustedly.

Before I could attempt to force myself to sleep again, my bedroom door slowly and quietly opened, and I snapped my head towards it and furrowed my eyebrows, and quickly grabbed my wand off the nightstand. In the darkness that plunged my room, a flash of pale blonde hair emerged through the doorway and Draco's face was in sight.

I sighed exhaustedly and dropped my wand on my bed and rubbed my temples.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I whispered tiredly, not exactly in the mood to snap at him about how inappropriate it is for barging into my bedroom this late at night.

"I saw what happened today." He started, walking towards my bed after shutting the bedroom door behind him.

I rolled my eyes and lightly sniffled. "Yes, I'm aware of that. Have you come here to taunt me?"

Now it was Draco's turn to roll his eyes as he sat in front of me on my bed.

"Actually, no, I haven't. I need your help with something." He whispered bluntly, and that's when I snapped my head towards him incredulously, noticing the way his lips were twitching upwards in the form of a smirk.

"You've got to be joking." I spluttered, temporarily speechless by his baffling request.

"You want me to help you? I just got branded by a fucking child –" Draco immediately clamped his hand on my mouth and my voice was muffled.

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