Doll Maker

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At the police station.

Laurel yelled "I told you to stay away from me. "

Oliver "I thought you might have changed your mind after I stopped the men terrorizing our city. "

Laurel "This isn't your city. It's your killing fields."

Oliver " The copycats are still alive. "

Laurel "Tommy Merlyn isn't. "

Oliver "I lost a friend that day, too. And I would gladly have given my life for his. "

Laurel "Well, don't worry, your life is over. Your life as a free man."

suddenly she clicked a button on the device.

Cops rushed inside with guns aiming at us. Red dots were all over mine and Ollie's body.

Damn it. 

Laurel "I told you to stay away. Somehow I knew you wouldn't listen."

Oliver and i looked at each other.

Laurel "Put your weapon down. "

Oliver "I'm not your enemy. "

Laurel "Then put your weapon down."

Suddenly catwoman came crushing through the ceiling with a device that made a high pitching noise. They all held their ears shut. The windows crashed in.

She looked at us and we jumped out of the window and ran in an alley.

Oliver "Nice mask. Why'd you help me? "

She stopped and looked at us but then left.

I looked at Oliver who looked at me.

At the hide out.

Felicity breathed out relieved when she saw us "Oh, thank God."

Dig " Police scanner's been blowing up for the past hour. Laurel called in half the force with that silent alarm. "

Fel "Yeah, because going after actual bad guys is so last year."

Oliver " To her, we are the bad guys"

Fel "Since when? "

Me "Since we didn't make it to Tommy in time"

Dig asked confused " How did you get out of there? "

Me "I had help from a masked blonde woman in black. "

Dig "Another copycat vigilante?"

Me " No. She was different. Trained, and she used a sonic...thing. "

Fel "Wait, sonic thing? Could you be a bit more specific? "

Oler "She turned it on and the glass shattered. "

Dig "Ok, well, who was she and why would she help you? "

Fel "And how did she know to help you? "

Me "All good questions. I don't like the idea of another player in town."

Fel " I'll see what I can find. "

Dig "Oliver, what I would like to know is what you're doing at Laurel's office in the first place. She makes you public enemy number one and you figure this is a good time to chat? "

Oliver "Because I thought that I could talk to her and make her understand that I'm doing things differently this time. That I'm not the bad guy. I was wrong. "

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