Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Luke reached over me and turned off my swaggy princess lamp for the night.

Yes, I had a princess lamp, it was when I was little and I was too lazy to replace it.

And yes, I did say swaggie.

Judge me.

Luke was sleeping over for the night.

"Michelle?" Luke asked.


"Why won't you have sex with me?" He asked bluntly.

I quickly turned the lights back on.

"Why are you asking that?"

"Because I'm curious. Every girlfriend that I've had had thrown themselves at me after like a week."

"I'm different. Plus, I think it's too early. It's only been about two months and a half, right?"

"No. That's always your excuse. What's the real reason? I'm not forcing you to have sex with me, I just want to know."

"Why do you want to know so bad? What difference is it going to make?"

"Maybe I can help you or something."

"No, you can't."

"So something did happen."

"Dammit Luke, I was fucking raped, okay? And you can probably guess by who. It's not that easy to trust someone after that and it fucking scares me how fast it took to fall in love with you." I snapped and tears started forming in my eyes and I did my best to blink them away.

He didn't say anything and I didn't turn to look at him.

I turned the lights back off and laid back in bed.

It was when I was about to fall asleep when his arms wrapped over me and his face nuzzled in my neck.

"I'm sorry, baby."

I turned around to look at his guilt filled eyes.

"It's okay, I overreacted." I forgave him.

"No, no, you didn't. I'm so fucking sorry, babe. I shouldn't have pushed so hard," he whispered, holding me tighter and giving me sweet kisses on my neck, "next time I do something like that, slap me."

I turned around to face him and slapped him playfully.

"I said 'next time' Jesus Christ, Michelle," he said, acting as if that slapped really hurt.

"You're an idiot," I said, my voice muffled from my face squeezed against his chest.

"You're cuddling with this idiot."

"I'm an idiot too."

"There should be a reality tv show that's titled "The Two Idiots"."

"Starring you and your bæ Calum."

"Shut up," he mumbled, playing with my hair, "go to sleep. We have to help your mom cook tomorrow for Thanksgiving."

I groaned, "I hate cooking. I always end up burning something or someone. My mom doesn't even trust me alone in the kitchen. Dammit, you almost burn the house down twice and now nobody trusts you."

He laughed, "Yeah, you can just stand there and supervise."

"Go fuck yourself."

"I do, everyday, thank you very much."


"Michelle, sweetheart, wake up," Luke said, shaking me.

"What do I get if I wake up?" I groaned, rolling around in the bed and brought the blanket up over my head.

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