I told you- you need me

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Riker pov:

I woke up feeling very hot and sweaty.

Riker: MOOOOOM !!! *Cough Cough

Why am I coughing now ?

Mom: What is it sweetie ? (She walked into the room)

Riker: I *Cough Don't feel so well *Cough Cough

Oh no... please don't say i'm~

Mom crinkled up her nose worriedly walking closer to me. She put a hand on my forhead before gasping.

Mom: RIker! You're burning up! Oh gosh~ give me a minute (She left the room)

Riker: Just great... (I rolled my eyes)

Mom came back after a minute just like she said, not like I was counting anyway~

Mom: Here's some soup and I put i'll put your medicine right next to it okay~ feel better sweetie. I want you to stay in bed until you get better.

Riker: Thanks mom~ really i'm sure after today i'll be fine.

I gave her a ressuaring smile and slowly drifted off to sleep


(Next day)

Ratliff pov:

Oh no i'm gonna...

(Ran to the bathroom and puked)

Uh oh...

Ratliff: MOOOOOM~

I call her mom cuz' she really is like a second mom to me, besides, she treats me like her 5th son.

Mom: What happened ?

I opened my mouth to say something before she interupted

Mom: what is that smell ?

I could feel myself turn red with embarassment

Ratliff: Sorry (I stared at my feet) I sort of uh...

She cought on quickly her eyes widened


Rocky had just started waking up and things weren't getting any better.

Rocky: mom.. (He said groggily) I don't feel so well...

Oh no.. not him too...

Mom: What is going on~ You're sick too ? First Riker, then Ratliff, and now you... My boys... (She sighed shaking her head)

Ratliff: Riker's sick too ?

Mom: He was sick yesterday but when he woke up this morning he puked aswell so yes, he's sick too.

Rocky: Well atleast it's just us three (He smiled jinxing it)

Mom: Yeah~ (Mom smiled relieved) It's just you thr~

Rydel, Ryland, Ross: MOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!

Stormie: OH you've got to be kidding me...


(One day later)

Stormie pov:

So all my kids are incredibly sick, yes including Ratliff and Mark. He's sort of my kid~ I love him too bits just like everyone else, Anyway~

The only one not sick would be Laura.

Oh she is a goddess, she's beeing helping me out take care of everyone and trust me, that is a very hard job.

Summer with the Lynches (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now