Chapter One

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2 years prior to current.

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Gavin Reed was a detective who  worked for the Detroit Police Department. He was as dependant on coffee as androids were on thirium, and he was also rude and disrespectful. Gavin is arrogant and had always shown a disliking to androids, which had to work beside him. Ew.

Gavin was looking through a case file and found a picture of a damaged RK800. For whatever ruthless reason, he found the image amusing.

"Hey, Tina, look at this," Gavin said to his friend who was working at a nearby desk. As Tina began to roll her chair over to Gavin, a gunshot rang out down the hall followed screams that seemed to echo off of each other.

Alarmed, Gavin reached from the gun as the room was abruptdly invded by a swarm of androids all wielding guns. Gavin stared in a stunned horror as the guns pointed in every direction and triggers were pulled, resulting in the dropping of human bodies. Gavin saw his co-worker Hank Anderson be grabbed by two androids, held at gunpoint and escorted out of the room.

Gavin instantly hid under his desk, his gun readied in his hand. Gavin peered out. "Tina!" he hissed to his friend also on the ground. Tina had been shot in the leg.  Tina looked at Gavin dragged herself over to him as swiftly as possible, her damged leg dangling uselessly behind her. As Tina was about to reach Gavin, an android grabbed her hair and dragged her back. The android stradled Tina and shot her in the face before either detective could do anything.

Gavin watched. His blood ran cold with horror and dread as he looked at his friend and her now blood-splattered face. He receeded further back against his desk, his eyes wide and his hands slightly shaking.

More gunshots rang out and soon all screaming ceased. Gavin noticed the dead bodies littered around the floor. People he knew, people he had worked with. Gavin stared at Tina and a choked gasp escaped him before he swiftly smacked his hand over his mouth.

Gavin heard footsteps going towards him and two androids suddenly crouched down in front of him. One of them was a TR400, and the other was no other than RK900 - an android that Gavin worked with. It went by the name of 'Nines'.

Nines looked at Gavin with his eyes showing little emotion. "Spare him."

The TR400 looked surprised but it nodded. Gavin was flushed with confusion. Why didn't they just kill me? Either way, he wasn't complaining. Gavin was glad to have been spared, but he was also frightened for whatever the future would hold.

The RK900 walked away as the TR400 handcuffed Gavin with his own handcuffs. How ironic. Gavin looked at the dead bodies scattered on the floor, grief and shock clawing at his scarred chest as he was escorted out of the building.

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Gavin was worse than he had ever been. Karma really did bite him in the ass this time. On top of being physically and mentally exhausted, he had spent his days working for the androids to suit their needs. Every night he was given whatever food the androids decided to give him, usually a small amount of something that was out of date. Gavin also recieved water twice a day, and thankfully it was clean water.

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now