Chapter Thirty-Three

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Nines and Connor navigated throughout the halls again, this time with the guidance of Nines' memory as a GPS in case they needed it. An RK900 has a faster memory selection and playback time than an RK800, of course. The android pair were returning to their bedroom where they would await the arrival of a Chloe, which, knowing Elijah's distrust of them, would not take long.

They got back into their temporary room where there was no Chloe to be seen. Hopefully they had gotten back before one had gone to check up on them, which Nines guessed was the case, and that he and Connor had returned in time.

Connor sat down on a bed in the room. "So, what now?" he asked Nines.

"Now, we wait for a Chloe to arrive," he replied.

"Is there anything I need to do to prepare for hijacking whichever Chloe is unfortunate enough to be here?"

"No, apart from making sure that you can keep her in place. You could hold her back or put a gun to her temple, whichever method you see fit," Nines said. "And if she makes a racket, you kill her.

Connor was taken aback by this. The fact that Nines was so easy to throw away the life of an android who inconvenienced him rattled him to his core, and definitely did not sit right. He truly has turned cold. Everything that he has learnt... I don't know if it means anything to him anymore. All of it has washed away when Gavin's life is at stake, as if other lives don't even matter... But then again, this is for love. And their love can be dangerous, sometimes.

"... Gun?"

Nines nodded and threw a pistol at Connor, which he barely caught. He should be more careful. Does Nines only- Connor was pulled out of his thoughts when Nines said, "So the plan is decided that we get her to go grab Gavin. We won't be in danger, and I can also hack the cameras so we can guide Gavin and the hijacked Chloe away from anyone who may catch them." Connor decided that whenever the Chloe entered, he would restrain her and not hold a gun to her head. He couldn't do it, not again.

"I didn not know an RK900 could take complete control of other androids from long distances," Connor randomly commented.

"I can be full of surprises," Nines replied.

"Are you sure you can be able to both control her and watch the cameras?"

"Yes, I can handle it."

"Nines, I think that I should. It would make it so you can focus on controlling Chloe," Connor said. "Speaking of... How does it even work?"

"I need to be focused, and I need time to get access to the android's mainframe, where I go and adjust the coding so the android is under my will for as long as I send her instructions."

"I see," Connor said with a nod. He then asked, "Is that what they did with you back at the android facility?"

Nines stiffened up, and then said coldly, "No. They did it differently there. This is not like that, Connor, this is to make sure that Gavin survives."

"It still doesn't make it right..." Connor mumbled, before sighing. Nines did have a good point - Gavin could die if they weren't there to go and help him. Whether it was to help Gavin or not, it still shocked Connor that Nines would willingly hijack and control a Chloe. They were here to stop the same thing from happening to him, for RA9's sake!

"Connor, I-"

Before Nines could speak, there was a knock at the door. Connor and Nines turned towards the door, and Nines called, "Come in." It's time.

Chloe opened the door and walked inside and stopped in the middle of the room.

Tackle her, Nines commended telepathically. Connor looked at Nines before darting towards Chloe and pushing her to the ground, clasping his hand over his mouth so she couldn't make sound. Chloe let out a muffled scream, her nostrils flaring as her eyes widened with fear.

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