Chapter Thirteen

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Gavin didn't know how much time had passed. He had lost track. His days were just walking down a seemingly endless tunnel, hearing nothing but his own footsteps alongside Connor's.

Gavin's body was screaming for them to stop. He had been so out of shape due to the neglect when being kept prisoner. His legs were aching badly along with the rest of his body. 

The occasional grunt or groan escaped Gavin, but was given absolutely no response on Connor's part. By this point, Connor was adjusted to the sounds that Gavin made and it became like white noise to him. This included sounds that Connor wished he would never have to experience again for as long as his wiring worked.

Gavin was slowly going crazy due to the fact that the majority of what his conscious mind knew at this point was the continuous walking. He and Connor stopped for Gavin to sleep and have meals, and they stopped for a break every few hours. Even with the generous breaks, Gavin's body was aching.

Soon, Gavin sat down on the cold concrete.

"I can't fucking… Agh, nothing but stupid nothing is driving me nuts!" He angrily snapped, clutching onto his own hair.

Connors crouched beside him. "We will get out of here soon. We can find somewhere to stay where you can be safe and happy."

"Yeah, you say that. But when will it happen? Huh Connor? When will it happen!?" Gavin yelled. "I should've stayed! I should've stayed back at where I was."

"And remain a slave? A prisoner? I gave up everything to come help you. Nines risked his position."

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life wandering tunnels. I'd rather be back there. At least I could see outside through the glass… here I can't see shit except for what I point my flashlight at. Why did the androids do this shit, huh? If androids didn't want to be killed and be made slaves, why the hell did they pull that shit on humans!? Don't you have any empathy!?"

Connor looked away. "Not all of us have to be empathetic, Gavin."

"Well why does this have to happen!?"

"You should talk to Nines about it when he's here."

Gavin heaved an irritated sigh that slightly hurt his throat from the force. "You're no fucking help. Why couldn't Nines just… Gah!"

"It's best to have Nines out above. He's trying all he can. After seeing you hurt that day, his sole mission was to make sure you are safe. Your safety requires sacrifices," Connor said. "Now, can we continue moving?"

"Hold up." Gavim had a swig of water before standing up. "Yeah. Let's go."

Gavin and Connor walked for another hour in silence before Connor abruptly stopped. Gavin looked at him. It wasn't like Connor to just stop like that, and he was a little concerned that Connor's wiring had suddenly stopped working.

"Nines will be here to meet us within the next day or so," Connor said. 

So his wiring didn't suddenly stop working. Cool. That's a good thing at least, Gavin thought. At least, I think so. He has been a bit harsh- what am I thinking? He's doing it to make sure we don't get captured and die. Or be enslaved again. Or die. Wait, I thought that- okay and my thoughts have turned into a ramble.

"That's great news, thank you," Gavin said as if his brain did not just intimate a scrambled egg.

"Indeed. He could bring more supplies," Connor said.

"Cool. Where can I piss?"

Connor stared at Gavin for a few moments. "You can just wait until we hit a bathroom. Like we have been doing."

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