Chapter Seven

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Nines' response came with no thought at all.

Gavin should've been expecting it. The androids had no real reason to let him go anyway. He still wanted answers, though.

"Yeah? Why not?"

Nines glared at Gavin. "Firstly, because Connor and I have decided to keep you alive to help us when we so easily could've killed you. You're seeming to take that for granted. The world is now android-run and it would be difficult to disguise you in public. I am high-ranking but not enough to set you free, even if I wanted to. Only someone with a high, high rank could set you free."

"Yeah, well, shouldn't Connor be someone like that? He helped with the revolution, after all," Gavin pointed out.

"I was offered a position but I declined," Connor replied. "But that is besides the point."

"Where would you even go if we let you go, Gavin?" Nines asked.

"Human Jericho," Gavin responded with a shit-eating grin. Nines rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Damnit, Gavin, sometimes I wish I didn't order those androids to spare you."


"Yeah, whatever. Fuck off," Gavin said with no thoughts.

Nines gave Gavin an annoyed look. "You get a day off. Then you work again." He left the room. Connor gave a shrug.

"I'll be back with some food, Gavin," he said before leaving.

Gavin didn't respond. He heaved a frustrated sigh and lay back on his bed. With little thought he had so many questions. Why was human food still availible? Where were the androids like Markus who wanted an end to slavery? It was like he was in a poorly planned book.

He felt a tiny bit bad for being so rude to Nines. After all, he had shown Gavin care. Gavin was just annoyed that he declined to help him be freed. Then again, both Nines and Connor had a point with both refusing. Where would Gavin even go?

Gavin got out his diary and wrote a quick entry. He described the recent events and the thoughts he had been having about Nines. He saw Connor walk to his room so he quickly hid the diary again, just as Connor opened the door. He had a plate with two pieces of toast with no spread and two lettuce leaves next to him. It amused Gavin a little, but at least he tried.

"Thanks. I will much enjoy these pieces of plain toast and these two leaves of lettuce."

"Good. I'll be back tomorrow. For now, rest. How's your head?" Connor asked as Gavin began to eat.

"It's still killin', but I'll be fine."

"Okay. Tell me if it hurts too much tomorrow to do your duties."

"Will do."

Connor gave Gavin a nod before leaving. He turned off the light and closed the curtain when he left, which Gavin was grateful for. Gavin finished his food and then set the plate on the table. He stretched and thought about how he was contemplating asking Nines to give him a massage. He would have to remember to ask him for that some time.

Gavin took some time to literally just pace around his room while his brain plunged into a flurry of thoughts that simultanously made so much sense but also nothing at all (aka the usual thoughts of a millenial).

He soon flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling he had to look at on a regularly basis. Gavin wished he could just be back at his usual home, book in one hand while the other was occupied with petting his cat.

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