Chapter Twenty-Five

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"If I can't kick you out, I'll kick your stupid face in."

Gavin was not in the mood for Nines' explanation bullshit. No amount of explaining could fix or help whatever the hell happened back at the hotel, and how suspicious Nines was. The uncanny timing, followed by the attack - then Gavin remembered how there was a remote with a button that had caused Nines to become a mindless killing machine. Did they end up grabbing that? Oh well, doesn't matter.

"You cannot keep ignoring me, and please don't threaten me. You have to listen to me some time," Nines said.

"Do I?"

"If you actually loved me, then you would have listened by now!" Nines yelled.

Gavin fell silent as the emotional words echoed throughout the room. It dawned on him how unfair to Nines he had been, and that maybe he should listen to what he has to say. It certainly showed a lack of love and trust that Gavin wouldn't listen to whatever explanation had.

But Gavin was stubborn. "Fuck off, robot."

The cold, snarky tone behind the words seemed to have pierced Nines. He suddenly looked completely and utterly done with Gavin's bullshit. With persistence, he insisted with clear impatience, "Gavin, listen to what I have to say."

Another prolonged silence fell throughout the room. Gavin broke the crushing silence and thick tension by saying, "Fine then." He crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow expectantly. "Go ahead. Baffle me with your explanation."

"Thank you. I'm glad that you finally decided to agree." Nines took a deep breath, as if preparing himself mentally to speak, and he looked seriously into Gavin's expectant eyes. "The second time that I snuck back to the building you were kept in, my superiors had suspected that I was up to something - and swiftly figured it out that I was associated with the disappearance of yourself and Connor," Nines began, delving directly into an explanation. "Instead of going through normal punishment protocols by killing me and hunting down and killing yourself and Connor, they decided to do an experiment. An experiment they had not yet the opportunity to do, until this incident happened."

Oh damn. Out of everything that could have happened, Gavin never speculated that Nines - someone with such a high social status - could be the subject in an experiment. "Go on."

"They took me to a lab and deceived me into thinking I was just to take care of android experiments, like the ones found in the tunnels." The memories of the experiments made Gavin shudder as Nines continued to speak. "I was led to an area where they connected me to some wiring, flipped a switch, and I could feel. Not emotionally - I can already do that, but I could completely physically feel - and by that, I mean I was injected with synthetic agony. I couldn't escape. I was laughed at as I writhed and screamed my anguish. Then, the wiring filled me with rage. They disconnected me and the anger remained. I didn't feel like myself."

"That's why you got more aggressive randomly," Gavin breathed out. He imagined Nines being attached to some crazy-scientist-esque machine, writhing and kicking as he was flooded with a new yet horrible sensation. As a human, he had no idea what it would be like experiencing pain for the first time ever - especially not excruciating pain."Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm getting to that. I had to return to continue deceiving the majority of the android population, and on top of that, my superiors threatened to kill you and Connor if I told or even hinted what was happening to either of you - and Hank, once they found out about him. All of my rage was never me, and no matter how much I wanted to tell you that, I just couldn't. Every time I returned, they worked on my wiring and my code more, changing it slowly to meet their twisted goals. I would be told when to return because they had something new to work on me with, and I could only resist for so long. I always knew our android government had corruptions, but I never realised how severe it truly is. Our leader is someone who has changed, someone who wasn't like this when this whole thing began. And then when this android turned towards a path of tyranny, they were supported by androids seeking revenge upon the human race."

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang