Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Carry me."


"Why not? You carried Hank!"




"Come on, carry me!"




Gavin was pestering Nines, wanting to be carried by him. He liked being close with his boyfriend, and he also didn't like walking.

"Carry me."


"Do you love me?"

"No- wait, wait! I meant yes!"

"Connor, did you hear that!? Nines said he doesn't love me!" Gavin exclaimed, jogging forward a few steps to be walking next to Connor.

"Top ten anime betrayals," Connor said.

"Holy fuck. Have you been learning memes too?"

"Yes. Memes are a very interesting aspect regarding human comedy and psychology," Connor replied.

"Uh, yeah, that. Hank, how much further do we have?"

"I don't really know, I've only been to the mansion once," Hank said.

"How do you know if you're going the right way?" Gavin asked.

"Because if I didn't, I wouldn't be leading us all there."

"Can't argue with that."

"How about I connect to a GPS and lead us?" Nines suddenly suggested, an unexpectedly cold tone present in his voice. 

It was as if Nines had just decided that Hank was incapable of leading them. This caused Gavin to frown. Nines trusted Hank, it was out of character for Nines to suddenly distrust his judgement. Even if Hank had only been to the mansion once, he said it himself - he would not be leading the group if he was not confident to be leader. Why was Hank’s knowledge suddenly being questioned? "Isn't it safer to follow Hank?"

"Yeah," Hank said, glaring at Nines. "It's a lot better if I lead us and you know that."

"It was just a thought," Nines said. "Forget that I brought it up."

As Hank muttered something incoherent under his breath, Connor said, “More androids would probably begin to appear soon. We should try to find somewhere to spend the rest of the afternoon.”

“I have a connection in the area,” Hank replied. “I’ll be able to get us a hotel room for the night. Don’t expect anything much, as they can only do their best with what rooms are available on such short notice. Would you want to go there, or keep moving?”

“The hotel sounds like the safer choice,” Connor said.

“Yes, but travelling throughout the afternoon and the night will get us there quicker,” Nines pointed out.

Hank turned to face Gavin. “Gavin, what do you think?”

Oh God, oh fuck, a decision, was Gavin’s initial thought process.

“We should, er…”

Gavin looked from Connor to Nines. They both put forward valid points. But in the end Gavin decided that it was too dangerous to go the risky way. The group had come too far to even consider doing something that could result in their downfall. Plus, Gavin didn’t know if he was truly ready to be face-to-face with a whole group of people.

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