Chapter Twenty-Six

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Gavin woke up the next morning buried deep in Nines' arms. He was being held close to Nines' chest, and the android appeared to be 'sleeping'. Gavin remembered their talks last night, then the activities that had taken place once they returned to Gavin's - now their own combined - bedroom. Gavin felt a smirk rise onto his face, but it faded as he began to shake Nines.

Nines opened his eyes. He had bad bed-hair which was messily falling over his face and sticking out everywhere. "What?" He asked with a grumpy edge to tone. Nines seemed so human.

Gavin snickered at his boyfriend's appearance. "Your hair is dead. Anywho, I need painkillers."

Nines nodded and he sat up. "Let me check your wounds," he said.

Gavin had his wounds from the tunnel attack, and bruising on his neck. He still had some healing to do, but his cuts and bites were healing quite quickly and cleanly. Nines did a basic scan of Gavin's body, searching for anything that would need attention. With his android abilities, Nines needed to simply focus on Gavin to scan him - which gave Gavin the creeps.

"Everything is fine," Nines said. "Let me grab you those painkillers." He pecked Gavin's lips sweetly before standing up and going to Gavin's bag. Gavin watched as Nines took out a packet of painkillers.

"Nines. Grab my diary," Gavin said.

"Your diary?" Nines echoed curiously.

"Yeah, don't judge me."

"I didn't take you for someone who'd have a diary."

"Shut your up fuck," Gavin said. "The backpack has like... a hidden half-pocket thing in the back pocket. In there is my diary."

Nines nodded and seconds later, he was pulling out Gavin's diary. He brought him the painkillers and the diary, along with a plastic bottle which was half filled with water. Gavin popped two painkillers in his mouth and gulped them down with the water, which he managed to spill all over himself.

"Amazing," Nines commented, amusement shining in his eyes. "I just mentally crafted a joke that would only work if you were a female."

Gavin rolled his eyes. "You're a whole fuckwit. Love ya, though."

"You are a very confusing human, Gavin," Nines said. "Have I ever told you that?"

"I dunno. Probably," Gavin shrugged. "You've told me many things." He gently pried his diary out of Nines' hands and opened to the bookmarked page. He took the pen that was clipped to the cover and began to write a new entry that was multiple pages long. Gavin described the recent events of his life, and how it all made him feel. At this point, Gavin would be very surprised if he didn't have PTSD due to all he had been through.

The whole time, Nines was staring at Gavin with his eyes softened and full of love. He didn't once ask Gavin what he was writing about, or if he could see the diary. Nines just adored him in silence as the sun gently illuminated his face. As soon as Gavin looked up to see Nines staring, he felt himself blush.

"Why are you looking at me like that, am I that ugly?" Gavin joked.

"On the contrary. I'm just admiring your unending beauty," Nines said sincerely. His face then turned serious. "Never call yourself ugly, Gavin."

"Damn, okay dad," Gavin said sarcastically. Nines then smirked, which concerned Gavin."What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're missing two letters at the end of that last word."

"What? I- oh. Oh. Nines oh my good what the fuck!?" Gavin exclaimed, his voice becoming high and squeaky.

Nines burst out laughing. He saw Gavin's blushing face and laughed harder, which made Gavin want to make a hole in the floor and perish. Just as Gavin's embarrassment was dying down, he heard commotion in the hallway.

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now