Chapter Ten

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This is a repost of chapter ten due to some issues attached with writing on multiple devices.

Gavin woke up with a gasp. He sat up swiftly and felt some unknown weight on his back and escaped from the grasp, falling right onto the floor. Gavin looked around, not knowing where he was.

But then the memories came flooding back. He had fallen asleep in Nines' warm arms, in this hotel room. Gavin got up and went to the sink. He felt disgusting and drenched in sweat due to a nightmare which he had just woken up from. He stripped himself of all of the clothing on his torso, which left him with boxers and pants.

Gavin had a drink of water from the tap and a cup that was in the room. He heard footsteps and soon enough Nines was standing next to him. Nines reached over and turned on the light switch before glancing down at Gavin's arm.

With a frown, Nines tenderly took Gavin's wrist and examined his arm. He pointed at the scars littered across his skin. "Gavin, these scars..."

"Wanna know something, Nines?" Gavin said, raising his chin a little. "I was eight years clean before I was captured." Flooded with a wave of anger, he ripped his arm away. Gavin was trapped for two years, suffering and abused by androids who didn't think once that they were doing the wrong thing.

Gavin slammed the cup against the bench and went into the bathroom which was stocked with towels. He locked the door and completely stripped before stepping into the shower and turning it on. He closed his eyes, allowing the water to rush over his body.

Mixed in with the water was a singular tear. Then two. Before long, the tears were steaming and Gavin was audibly whimpering. The poor man was so broken, so shattered. So what if he was an asshole? He never deserved this. It was traumatic; an experience Gavin would have with him forever. He could practically feel the claws gripping at his chest, digging in deep and not making him struggle to breathe whilst also injecting him with a poison that cursed him with memories.

Gavin fell to his knees and put his head in his hands. He just wanted to be happy and healthy again. Not half-starved and weak. His eyes were stinging and his nose was dripping mucus, which made Gavin scowl in disgust. 

He took control of his breathing and stood up. He grabbed soap and washed his body, and then washed his hair thoroughly. He made sure to give himself a good clean, since Gavin wasn't sure of when he would be able to shower again. Gavin wasn't sure of anything anymore.

The only thing he really knew is that he was far from safety.

After showering, Gavin dried himself off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He stepped out into the main section of the hotel room and put on some fresh clothes from his bag. He filled up the bathroom sink and let his dirty clothes soak in soapy water.

Gavin sat down on his bed and Nines sat next to him. Nines set a hand on Gavin's back.

"I heard you crying, Gavin. The water may help to mask the sounds, but these walls are thin."

Gavin suddenly blushed hard. "Does- Does that mean you heard me jacking off?"

Nines looked at Gavin with wide eyes. "W-What?" He looked a little horrified. That was probably the only time Gavin had heard Nines stutter, and look so shocked. He usually maintained such a calm and collected composure. "No, Gavin, I did not hear that. And frankly, I did not need to know that happened."

Gavin felt even more embarrassed. Probably more embarrassed than Nines was.

Nines removed his hand from Gavin's back and he stood up. "Maybe it's a good thing I'm not going with you."

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