Chapter Thirty-Six

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Gavin woke up feeling strangely numb. There was a strange layer of weight seeming to tie him down to whatever he was laying down, nearly like a strange form of sleep paralysis.

Wait. I've felt this before.

Gavin opened his pale grey eyes and stared up at the ceiling as memories came flooding back to him. He had died from injuries, was revived by his boyfriend, and needed surgery. He has had surgeries in previous points of his life, but never anything this severe.

Ugh... I don't think I can move. There must be anaesthesia in every goddamn inch of my body.

He craned his neck upwards and looked down at the blanket covering him from toes to neck. He lifted a heavy arm and threw the blanket off of his body, leaving Gavin staring down at himself. He couldn't see an inch of exposed skin; all of it was heavily bandaged.

Jesus, those android fuck shits surely did a huge number on me. How was I even able to be revived? Seems like some whack ass fanfiction thing... Not that I ever read it, aha. I'm fucking insane for always thinking to myself. And that itself was another stupid thought..

Nines. I need Nines.

"Nines?" Gavin rasped out, his voice scratchy due to lack of use after his long, medically induced rest. He tried to sit up but was quick to involuntarily flop back down with a groan. That had pushed his luck and sent some pain shooting through him. "Fuuuuck... Ugh... Where are the doctors? Doc? Nines? Nurse? Anyone?"

Gavin's calls were heeded by a nurse in a lab coat swiftly rushing into the room. "Gavin, you're awake," she said with hints of surprise in her voice. "Take the painkillers beside you, your morphine may start to wear off soon and it's a good idea to stay on the safe side."

"Shouldn't you know when the morphine is going to wear off?" Gavin asked, reaching over and grabbing the pills and shoving them into his mouth. He swallowed, washing them down with water which he had to carefully drink as he was laying down. These pills tasted funny, and painkillers weren't usually green. Oh well, Gavin had no fucks to give.

"We have a limited supply, so we couldn't give you as much as you should be getting in a usual hospital setting. How we even have this is beyond me."


"Are you fucking kidding me? Ugh, never mind, get me the doctor, I wanna know what the hell is wrong with me."

She nodded and left, and Gavin turned his face away from the door. How the hell did he get into this mess? How did he get into any of this? One thing he knows for sure is that this shit is going directly into his diary. That must be filled with so much tear jerking material that could make just about anyone pity him.

The nurse returned with someone in a lab coat by her side. Gavin didn't recognise this doctor.

"Gavin, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm feeling like I wanna know what the hell is wrong with me."

"Alright, I understand that. First things first, I'm Dr. Fitzgerald, I'm glad to let you know that the surgery was a complete success. You will be requiring three weeks of bed rest, one and a half of those weeks here."

"Three weeks!? That's so long, what the fuck?"

"Gavin, unfortunately, you had a large vary of wounds. You were bleeding internally due to a puncutred lung and a ruptured spleen - it's a miracle you survived and that we could fix you, and how this had even happened is perplexing. Not to mention, you are also covered head to toe in bruises and cuts."

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