Chapter Twenty-Seven

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CW: Self-harm mention.

3.5k ahead, have your popcorn ready!

Gavin was taken aback. No. There's no fucking way she just asked that shit of me. Is she fucking insane!? I give one idea she likes and she asks me to lead everything! Honestly, what the fuck was she thinking.

"Lillian, with all due respect, what in the actual fuck?" Gavin asked, his eyes widened as he stared at her with disbelief. "I am no leader! You didn't even discuss this with me! I... What? What was the logic behind any of this?"

"You know we need a leader," she replied.

Gavin slowly felt his face flush red due to embarrassment. He hated this whole situation. "You are clearly good enough! Just- ugh, I don't need to deal with this. Lillian, Verum - please get your shit together. I didn't risk my life escaping a place of horrors just to be launched into a leadership role of what's barely a society. I didn't need to be put on the spot like this in front of everyone!"

"We need someon-"

"Someone to lead, yeah, whatever. If it makes you feel any better, I'll think about it. Now drop it."

After he spoke, he got off the small stage and shouldered his way through the crowd. All eyes were on him. Gavin felt a smoldering rage rise in him, but he bit back any more words that would only ensure that he's in deep shit. As he quickly walked by everyone, Nines stood in front of Gavin.

Nines opened his mouth to speak, and Gavin responded by taking his hand and continuing moving forward. The room was silent. This was so fucking embarrasing! He led Nines who was silently following Gavin to their bedroom. As soon as they were inside, Gavin locked the door behind them and groaned loudly as he slid down the door.

"Ugh, why did she have to ask me there in front of everyone!?" he asked with irritation.

Nines sat down on the floor next to Gavin. Without looking at him, Nines entwined his fingers with Gavin's and held his hand. "Perhaps she figured you would accept in that environment, or she was expecting people to react after the previous proposition."

"Perhaps," Gavin mumbled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. No. Maybe. Fuck, I don't know!" Gavin pulled his hand away from Nines' and put his head in his hands. "I just want a normal life. I am not anything or anyone special!"

"You're special to me," Nines said. "But I understand what you're saying. Gavin, things will become better. Your life will come by, and you can leave all your troubles in the past. This is one of many experiences that will impact you negatively, but you will be able to move past this."

"This, yeah, this was just straight up embarrassing," Gavin said. "I'll probably think about it in eight years time when I'm laying in bed not able to get to sleep. If we're suddenly talking about my other trauma, well, I don't think I'll be able to let go anytime soon."

"As soon as we find a therapist, I am making you see them," Nines said.

"What!? No!" Gavin protested. "I don't need to see a shrink, I'll be fine. I'll just deal with it how I always have."

"Which is...?"

"Just trying to ignore it until it gets so bottled up that I have a meltdown or a breakdown."

"Gavin, that isn't healthy," Nines said with concern.

"Okay. Wanna be gay?"

Nines didn't give a verbal response. Instead, he scooped Gavin up with no effort and carried him to their bed. Nines set him down and then lay down next to him. Gavin quickly moved closer to Nines, resting his head on his shoulder just above his armpit. Nines put his arms around Gavin's back and pulled him closer.

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