Chapter Twenty-Three

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Note— this chapter is 4,290 words long. It's my birthday (28/2) so, I decided to give a gift to all of you! Enjoy!

Gavin, overwhelmed with shock, stiffened as he stared at the swarm of enemies suddenly enter his room. He stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over a bag on the floor. Luckily, his pain was dulled and mostly numb from the painkillers. He was fucked. He was so fucked.

There was no escape. No way out. At least Nines got out.

How the hell did he get out?

Gavin shoved his thoughts away as he looked at the androids. "W-Who the fuck are you?"

"Gavin Reed, we have been ordered to take you back into custody, along with Hank Anderson. Connor will be killed for his treason, and your punishments are yet to be revealed."

"No. No fucking way am I letting you killing Connor."

No. I won't let that happen. I will not let anyone die and I will not put Connor in the way of harm.

"Fuck yourself!" Gavin yelled as the androids slowly advanced. "Just let me live! I want to be free! Let me fucking be free!"

An android came close with a gun and handcuffs, and Gavin quickly darted his hand forward and grabbed the gun, yanking it from the android's hand. He then shoved the android to the ground and kept it pinned down with a foot. Gavin pointed his gun at the group of androids.

"One step closer and he gets it," Gavin hissed.

The one who had spoken responded to this by pointing his gun at the android on the ground and shooting his head. Gavin screeched and receded, staring at the android corpse in horror.

"Y-You, you're... You're fucking heartless!" Gavin screeched out. Now he was truly starting to panic - his only possible leverage was nothing to the group he was trying to get away from.

"Give up, human," the leader said. He had his gun pointed directly at Gavin's forehead. "You are coming with us."

Gavin realised he did in fact have leverage.

Gavin pressed the gun to his own temple.

"No. No I am fucking not."

"Put down the gun!" The leader of the group of androids demanded.

"No. I'm not putting down the gun, and I'm not going with you. Let me go, or I'll shoot," Gavin threatened.

They didn't want him harmed. Using one hand to keep the gun pressed against his own temple, he slowly walked over to where his and Nines' bags were. He paused before quickly grabbing them and running towards the window.

Gavin heard yelling and gunshots behind him as he ran towards the window. He opened it in one swift movement, then jumped out of it. Thank fuck for the lack of a fly screen.

Gavin was falling. He was falling and he had no plan. He stretched his feet out as he clutched onto the bags he was holding.

Gavin screwed his eyes shut - he was done for. He was definitely about to die. He had suffered all this pain and had come so far, grown so much, all for nothing.

"I love you, Nines," Gavin whispered into thin air.

Gavin landed directly on the shoulders of an android walking by, it was an unbelievable fluke, even more so that Gavin was uninjured and did not even have aching balls. The android gasped and stumbled, toppling down and landing on the ground on, with Gavin bouncing back to avoid hitting the ground. Gavin was stunned but got off the back of who he fell onto.

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now