Chapter Eighteen

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Gavin was in fresh clothes and was settled on Nines' lap.

After Gavin had woken up, he had promptly told everyone to fuck off as he changed into his last pair of unworn clothing. It only goes downhill from there.

But that was around five minutes ago. Now Gavin was munching on a muesli bar whilst Nines lazily slung his arms around Gavin's torso.

Connor was in the process of changing the bandages he had applied to Hank when Gavin was asleep. Gavin saw him wince and just cuddled closer to Nines.

"To think that you hated androids once," Hank chuckled.

"Yeah, well, you did too," Gavin pointed out. "I hate a lot of them for a different reason now."

"'Kay." Hank looked away and stared down into the tunnel ahead.

"Is there anything wrong, Hank?" Connor asked.

"Eh... I'm just realising we will have to take a detour. Who knows where those shithead monster dicks could be. We should get going soon. Gavin, that means no more gay."

"Shocked, confused, and offended," Gavin said before he pressed a gentle kiss against Nines' cheek.

Hank rolled his eyes. He tried to stand up, but he groaned and fell limp again. "Stupid bones."

"You're injured, Hank. Let Nines carry you," Connor said.

"Actually, Connor," Nines interjected, "I'm going to be leaving today."

"What!?" Connor and Gavin exclaimed in unison.

"I need my boyfriend!"

"Hank needs someone to carry him!"

Connor and Gavin yelled at the same time, dismayed at what Nines had said.

"Remember I have duties to attend to and a reputation to uphold," Nines said tartly. "I'll be back when I can and I'll try to extend my day to the end of the day."

Gavin clung on to Nines, not wanting to let go of him. "But... You're the best gay I know."

"I'm the only gay you know, as far as my knowledge extends."

"Yeah and you're my boyfriend! Sure, life is nice and all, but giving me attention is a lot better."

"You sure love my attention, huh?"

"Yeeeessss! That was the whole point of this conversation apart from please stay!"

"Gavin, I am unable to do that and you know that. I'm sorry, but I must go."

Gavin hugged Nines tightly and gave him a kiss. Nines kissed back, embracing Gavin closely. Nines gently ran his hands up and down Gavin's slender hips.

"I'm not sure when I'll be back," Nines said when he broke the kiss, "But I won't make you wait too long. I appreciate you, Gavin."

"I appreciate you too." Gavin gave Nines a squeeze before reluctantly letting go. He gave Nines' cheek a soft kiss. "Well, goodbye. No - let's say farewell instead of goodbye. It seems less permanent."

"Farewell, Gavin." Nines gave a smile and squeezed Gavin's hand before giving Connor and Hank a respective nod. "Connor, Hank."

"Bye, Nines," Connor said.

"Stay safe!" Gavin added as Nines began to walk away.

Watching his lover disappear into darkness made Gavin feel sad. He just wanted to pull him back towards the light, but he was unable to.

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