Chapter Twenty-One

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The gentle, creamy dawn of lights were shedding down onto the ground with the sky itself harnessed as a vessel. The night’s whispers were faded, fading, as the moon gave in to the sun like the tale goes every night, the stars going away with it. There was already dewdrops glistening on the grass in the lawn, a sign that there may have been a gentle rainfall the previous night. Bats were screeching their normal call, creating a dark storm with a flurry of wings, as they escaped the threat of daylight hitting their skin.

The stars seemed to be fighting for the right to remain in the sky, wishing to remain alongside the sun, but as usual they struggled and eventually gave in to the much more powerful force. The sun always overpowered all that surrounded it, whether they are whole or simply remnants of what there once was. The sun saw no reasoning; it pushed everything away. But now that raises the question - does the sun even have a choice in this matter?

“Tag yourself, I’m the stars,” Gavin said.

“Gavin, my dear, please elaborate I am begging you," Nines replied.

“Think about it, all of the androids are the sun while us humans are the moon and stars. Overwhelmed and being killed by the much stronger opposition."

“You are human. I am an android," Nines said matter-of-factly. 

“You're on our side now," Gavin said. "That alone makes you more human than any other android." He placed his hand on Nines'.

Nines looked away from Gavin. "There are things about me that makes your statement untrue."

"What do you mean by that? Nines, are you okay?"


"No, dude, be real with me," Gavin said in a serious tone. "I've suspected for a while that's something's up. Talk to me, please."

"Gavin, I… I can't. It's difficult to explain, and the information could hurt you."

"Oh, and withholding information from your boyfriend is so not hurtful," Gavin sneered. 

"I'm sorry. I do not wish to hurt you," Nines frowned. "There are just things that are better if they remain unsaid." Nines shifted away from Gavin and stood up.

"Where are you going? Please, just talk to me!" Gavin pleaded. He didn't like to beg, but Nines was extremely important to him. If Nines had any issue or inconvenience at all, then Gavin wanted to know about it. Nines turned around to face Gavin.

“Gavin, I can’t-”

“Only a few hours ago I shared something very personal, I’m sure that whatever the hell this is is able to be told to me,” Gavin said.

“Sharing something and expecting me to exchange information is a manipulative behaviour. I do not need to tell you.”

"It… it literally is not, but okay."

Nines turned back around and walked inside of the house. Gavin moved to get up, but the aching of his wounds was settling in again.

"Fuck… Hey, Nines? The painkillers are wearing off again! Nines? Nines!"

There was no response to Gavin's calls. With a moan of pain, Gavin struggled to his feet. He staggered forward but eventually gained fair balance. With slow, careful steps, Gavin made it inside of the house where he slid down to the ground.

"Nines, you better get your fucking ass over here!" Gavin yelled out.

"Hey, shut the fuck up!" a sleepy and grumpy Hank yelled back from another room. 

Gavin rolled his eyes. "I will as soon as Nines comes and helps me! I had to crawl inside."

Silence followed his statement and soon afterwards an android entered the room. It wasn't Nines, though, it was Connor.

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now