Chapter Thirty-Two

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Stay alive, Gavin. Stay alive.

Stay alive, please.

The door shut behind Gavin. He stared into the shadows of the barely lit room - he couldn't see anything, anyone. A dusty scent hit his nose, mixed in with what smells like sour thirium of some sort. The swamping darkness cloaking the room hid Gavin's company, making them unseeable, like a black swan on the darkest lake during a moonless night.

Where are they?

Gavin began to hope that he was alone after all, but he knew that was a reach. There was no way Elijah would let him out of his promise this easily, especially considering Gavin was doing this for Kamski's experimentation. He looked down and straightened up his spine before brushing a spec of dust off of his android coat.

"Maybe I'm alone," Gavin mumbled to himself.

"You're never alone."

A voice came from above scared the absolute shit out of Gavin, and he darted forward with a shrill yelp of fear. He looked up to see an android with half a face and an arm coming out from the centre of its chest dangling from the ceiling and looking at him creepily. He could barely make out the figure due to the lack of light in the room, but the dimmed bulbs were enough to make out the figure. At the sight of it, horrible memories started to invade Gavin's mind - memories of the tunnel. It took his all to not drop to his knees and just panic.

"Don't be scared, friend!" it said, voice slightly distorted.

Fuck this. Fuck this. Fuck this. Fuuuuuck thiiiiis.

"I am not your friend," Gavin said coldly, a slight tremble in the middle of his words.

"All androids that come in here want to be friends."

For fuck's sake! I gotta befriend this fuck to not be found out? Ugh... there's not much of a choice.

Gavin formed himself to push back his immense fear, at least so it wouldn't show on his surface. He forced a smile. "Ah, heh, yes, of course..."

"It's such a shame that mister Kamski hasn't brightened our lights for tonight," the android said. "He would usually have that done by now."

Elijah has purposefully left the lights low? Maybe there's a heart in there after all.

"Were going to have fun tonight, friend! Tell me, what is your name?" The mutant asked.

"Er, Gavin," Gavin replied, who did you think it would be?

"Er Gavin? That's a strange name!"

"It's Gavin. I hesitated."

"Why would you hesitate, Gavin?" the android asked. "Androids don't hesitate."

Not a deviant, isn't it? Shit. Elijah, what did you do? How did you code it?

"This one does. It's a part of my coding to act more human."

Gavin watched the android detach itself from the ceiling after he spoke, and it dropped down on it's leg.

"Well, Gavin, we are all looking forward to getting to know you tonight! Now come with me."

Before Gavin could reply, three hands grabbed onto him. He forced himself to not kick or yelp as the android started dragging him to another part of the room.


Nines was pacing inside his cage. He was trying his best to remain calm, but how could he when he knew that his boyfriend was trapped alone with murdering machines?

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