Chapter Thirty-One

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Gavin felt panic flood through him. Fuck, I knew I should have never trusted Elijah! He stood up as he felt Nines' hand slip away from him.


Gavin lashed out his hand blindly and hit someone in some part of the body. He did not know who or where, but after that movement, he felt something hit his skull and fell unconscious.

Gavin woke up. He didn't know how long he was out for, but he could feel something cold on his skull which was settled upon a place where he had a splitting headache. He groaned as he opened his eyes, then shut them again due to how bright the room was. He heard some voices talking, but they sounded distant.

Gavin opened his eyes again, slowly this time around as the unfiltered light hit his field of vision. He sat up sluggishly and addressed his surroundings as his hand pressed against the ice pack against his skull. He was in the same room, on that same couch. Nearby were two Chloe androids, speaking amongst themselves quietly.

Wait. Where's...

Gavin glanced around, suddenly frantic. "Nines? Connor? Where are you!?" He sat up.

The Chloes looked over at him.

"Sit down," one of them said. "Elijah will be with you shortly."

"You said that before you took my companions away," Gavin hissed back.

"The RK800 guards had to be removed from the room in order to keep Elijah safe."

RK800 guards? No, no, that's all wrong!

"One of them is an RK900!" Gavin protested.

"Impossible," the other said. "They are both clearly RK800s. They're fine.Now sit down, you took a harsh hit to the head.

Gavin rolled his eyes and reluctantly sat down again, knowing that there was no other option. "Whatever. Just bring Elijah here, that fucker..."

Both of the Chloes stared at Gavin with emotionless eyes before turning around and leaving the room. Gavin threw the ice pack to another side of the couch.

Fuck, is the only word that was echoing throughout Gavin's brain.

The lights began to dim, and Gavin groaned loudly. "Not this bullshit again, holy fuck, give it a rest. You already did it once."

The lights dimmed almost all the way to jet black, but not quite. Suddenly, the door slammed open and a spotlight shone down. There stood Elijah, dressed up nicely in a fancy ass suit and wearing his usual stupid fuck smile.

"Elijah," Gavin growled. Elijah never said the first word.

"It has been a while, Gavin."


"How are things?" Elijah asked.

"Cut the crap, you know how everything is for me," Gavin said, standing up and facing Elijah. "You fucked up the world and the lives of millions of people."

Elijah did that stupid head tilt of his accompanied by silence. The head tilt of what was probably mock inquisitivity, a piquing interest in what was being said. He glanced over his shoulder and flicked his hand upwards, and the lights turned completely back on again, flooding out the spotlight. Elijah looked back over at Gavin and strode towards him until they were only a few feet apart.

"At some point in time, Gavin, an android uprising was due to happen," Elijah said. "Why would I decide to be a victim when I know I could be safe while also changing history forever?"

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