Chapter Four

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Connor's head shot up and he looked like a dear in headlights. Gavin's heart sunk. He knew he wasn't allowed any extra blankets or food or anything, as the androids put themselves above humans.

"Wait, Nines, I can explain!"

"No, you can't. You're being generous to a human who did wrong by us, giving him luxury is strictly against the rules - some of which I implemented."

"He may have done wrong by us but Gavin is better now!"

"He's better because he has no choice!"

Gavin felt a little sick. He had put in Connor in deep, deep trouble by accepting the filling food and the warm blanket he was brought. He didn't know what would happen to the android, but it could never be justified. Connor just had a heart. Why is it that the people showing Gavin kindness are being stripped of rights or even life? Well, apart from that DW500 model that stopped the assult directed at Gavin.

"Nines, please," Connor began to beg. "You are my brother. You would not actual punish me, would you?" Connor's face formed a puppy dog look that could cause anyone's heart to melt. 

Nines sighed. "No... Not unless you do something worse. You may be an annoying little shit at times but I care about you."

After equality was obtained for androids, Connor and Nines both worked at the Detroit Police Department, where they grew a close, brotherly bond. They held a deep care for each other, with Nines caring for Connor. Gavin somewhat backed off from them but never completely. In all honestly, Nines intimidated him.

"If you care about me, you would give Gavin a chance. Please? Could you please give him a week to prove that he is better? He does all the work androids don't want to do, and he is deprived of proper food, sleep and warmth. Just let me help him or he will die prematurely."

Nines sighed deeply, placed into a difficult position. He had a high rank but he had quite a bit until he reigned superior, therefore some things were just beyond his power.

"I'll give you a week," Nines eventually said. "But if you are caught I can't be seen as directly involved, but I will try to assist you in getting out of messy situations."

"Thank you Nines."

Gavin's body flooded with relief, and his previously tensed self relaxed a little. He was thankful for the tightly knit bond that Connor and Nines shared. Now he just has a week to prove himself worthy of things that he needed and, quite frankly, deserved.

The following morning, Gavin was doing chores for Connor when he was beckoned towards a group of bickering androids. One of them turned to Gavin. 

"Human. You will be returning to general duties you previously had done on top of your work for Connor."

I was already doing some of that already, Gavin thought. Not much has changed.

"Yes, sir," Gavin replied before returning to what he was doing. Maybe this re-added work load could help Gavin prove himself to Nines.

How on Earth was Gavin meant to prove himself anyway? The whole 'prove himself' concept was stupid to him. Prove himself for what - to show he is a living, breathing being with needs? That he is as reliant on food and sleep as androids are thirium, and older models charging? He emitted a groan out loud due to frustration, and he lowered his head afterwards to focus on his almost complete task.

Gavin finished and he began to walk to another area to do another area. His cocoa eyes were clouded as he began to think of Angelica. That pretty young girl, another human, having her life taken away simply for revealing herself to Gavin. Witnessing the loss of her life had added to his large load of trauma.

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