Chapter Thirty

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The drive to Elijah's house, due to the amount of traffic and the general distance between the two locations the group are travelling from and to, took around half an hour until Gavin had reached familiar streets. He chewed on his lip, a troubled look on his face as he got closer and closer to their quite daunting destination.

"Are you alright?" Nines asked, despite having a pretty good guess on what was on Gavin's mind.

"Yeah, no, yes, maybe, I... Fuck," Gavin sighed. "It has been a while since I've seen Elijah, and I don't think I could forgive him for letting our world become distorted and broken like this for greed. I can't forgive him, but... It's not impossible to imagine he would be capable of such a thing. Elijah has always been greedy, and cunning as fuck."

"Today will go fine, I will be by your side the entire time," Nines said. "I will not let you out of my sight."

"Alright," Gavin mumbled. He glanced at Nines for a fraction of a second. "You look so strange, looking like Connor and shit."

"It is imperative, we have to take necessary measures to ensure a safe arrival at your brother's mansion. This car could have, or still may possibly, break down," Nines said. "I cannot risk looking like my usual self as I am a unique model."

"Wasn't Connor like that too? There was one of him as an android detective, that's it," Gavin said.

"I am the only RK900 model android that was ever made. There are no more of me existing anywhere."

"That's a bit dumb, but then again, it would be weird as hell if there was more than one of you. You looking like Connor is whack enough."

"Yes, you have already stated that," Nines said.

Gavin didn't respond as he focused more than he already was on the road ahead of him. He thrummed his fingers against the wheel in a swift paced rhythm, then he took a deep breath in through his nose.

"I wanna die," he mumbled, before saying louder, "Not literally, don't worry about me. I just don't want to see Elijah, but I know I have to."

"You telling me not to worry has made me experience some worry," Nines replied.

"Well, don't," Gavin said. "Have I ever told you that you are gay?"

"You have told me countless times," Nines answered.

"You're an android, I'm sure you can count the times I have told you."

"I can, but I do not want to."

"Okay, valid," Gavin said.

He turned into a street called Merrywood and felt the pit in his stomach grow. They were getting close. He put on the blinker to turn into Oxlade Road when Nines suddenly corrected, "Keep going to Ash Crescent." Gavin gave Nines a hasty, questioning glance, but then understood once he got a glimpse of his expression. Nines was just as nervous as Gavin was.

Gavin turned off the blinker and continued going forward. Not even Connor had said anything about the incorrect instruction that Nines gave Gavin, even though he had visited Elijah Kamski once before and therefore would know where to go.

Gavin entered Ash Crescent where he drove along the road under the speed limit. With every passing second, they were getting closer to the place where Nines' fate will be determined. Closer to the place where the man that Gavin hated the most lived.

Finally, at the end of the street, he turned into the final road before reaching the house - Fuge Lane. A long, winding road that always seemed to be covered in frost, and Gavin presumed it was like that so it could match Elijah Kamski's heart. There always seemed to be an aura of coldness around him that could make any completely non-deviant android shudder.

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