Chapter Twelve

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During the first day of walking, Gavin had to stop a few times due to fatigue. They were walking through a huge, abandoned subway system. There were a few rails that dispersed across in different directions, accompanied by huge taverns of evenly hollowed concrete. Most of the lights above were broken, but the occasional one still worked - emitting a soft, faded orange glow which gave a bit on help seeing. Gavin had forgotten to pack a flashlight, but luckily Connor had one stored in his pack. In emergencies, Connor could also become a flashlight. They tried to avoid needing Connor though, as he needed to preserve his battery. Gavin had also removed his disguised so he looked like his normal self again.

The entire time, Gavin was thinking about Nines, and if he had escaped in time without questioning. And the entire time, he was missing him.

Gavin felt some form of connection with Nines, which showed in their moments of intimate closeness. Now that they were separated, Gavin realised how much he had enjoyed his spent time with Nines. How Nines and Connor were risking everything to make sure he would be okay.

"Connor?" Gavin suddenly asked.

Connor turned to look at him. "Yes?"

"Why were you so willing to give up everything for me?"

Connor came to a complete halt. "A human life is worth more than my safety and status. I figured that maybe... Maybe I could do some good in the world. Joining the deviants instead of sticking to my code and mission may have saved me, but it came at too high of a cost. Countless human lives were taken. I wished for a change, but I never wanted or speculated this."

Gavin noticed the emotional tone and expression. Connor appeared to feel genuine sorrow and regret; real feelings he felt so deeply.

"... Oh." Gavin was silent for a few heartbeats. "Either way, thank you. I would've been another dead man if you weren't willing to help me."

Connor nodded. It was unusual to see him so solemn.

"Let's get going."

"Right," Gavin said.

The pair kept moving, through a long, winding tunnel on the platform beside the tracks. It took time to get to the next opening, where Connor announced that the time was 8:47 pm.

"Okay. Fuck this. I'm resting," Gavin announced, dramatically flopping onto the ground.

"That's fair," Connor replied. He sat down nearby. 

Gavin took off his backpack and opened it. He took out a granola bar and began to eat it. Silence had fallen upon the two, broken only by the sound of Gavin munching on his food. After he was done, Gavin carelessly tossed the wrapper in a random direction. It wouldn't harm the environment either way; they were underground.

Gavin turned back to his bag and took out the rolled up sleeping bag. He unfolded it and got in it. "I hurt and I wanna die, so therefore I am going to sleep."

Connor didn't reply, but he got a small pillow from his own backpack. He lifted Gavin's head and stuffed the pillow under it.

"Oh, thanks," Gavin said. "Goodnight."

"Night." Connor stayed sitting up.

"Wait, aren't you gonna sleep? It helps your battery or something, doesn't it?"

"I will soon," Connor answered. "For now, I want to keep watch for about half an hour. After the tunnels stopped being used, who's to say that unwanted guests haven't moved in?"

"... Okay, have fun." Gavin was too tired to give a fuck. He closed his eyes, and within minutes, he was asleep.

Gavin ran towards the manhole with Nines at his side. A hand gripped his shoulder and hauled him backwards, and he was shot in the chest. Gavin looked down to see no wound. Instead, Nines fell down onto his knees, blue blood pooling from a hole in his chest.

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