Chapter Twenty-Four

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After the astonishment had faded from Gavin, he cast an awkward glance at Hank, who seemed more joyful than ever before. It made perfect sense - after nearly losing his life, and having to deal with a bunch of idiots (well mostly just Gavin and his dumbassery), Hank was finally home. Hopefully this place could become like a home to Gavin as well.

"So, uh, what now?" Gavin asked in a raspy voice. His throat was still severely damaged due to the harm inflicted on him by Nines.

He still hasn't explained what the hell happened back there, Gavin thought. It was terrifying. The thought of merely being near Nines sent a shiver down Gavin's spine. He didn't make it obscure that he was avoiding being near Nines.

"Now, we wait." Hank raised his chin, and took a step towards the door. The group were all on the balcony of the mansion, with Aspen on the top step.

Some silent moments slipped slowly away. The tension clinging to the air was nearly enough to choke someone from the inside. Just as Gavin was about to complain, the front door slowly opened. A girl with blonde hair, no older than 15, poked her head out.

"Who are..." She trailed off as her eyes landed on a certain human. "Hank!"

The young teen ran forward and pulled Hank into a tight hug. "Hank, you're alive!" She exclaimed. She drew away. "Oh darn, you're pretty hurt." The girl walked back inside the building. "Hey, Hank's back!"

After the announcement was made, and with Hank not being able to get a word in, excited people streamed out of the door. Hank seemed to be popular in Human Jericho (the only place that could ever be possible. This place must truly be a place of opportunity!). But the sudden overwhelm of people heading right towards where Gavin was standing set off something inside of him.

Gavin's breathing began to quicken, and his eyes pricked with slight tears. His legs felt weaker and he could barely focus on anything visually or audibly. His hand was brushed by a stranger.

Gavin turned and ran down the stairs, stumbling in a blinded flurry. He heard footsteps behind him, and he ran faster. He skidded around the corner and tripped on the ground around the side of the mansion. Gavin sat up and curled into a ball defensively, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gasped for air. He felt so weak, so vulnerable. His throat damage made breathing a lot harder, and a lot more painful.

He barely processed as two people knelt down in front of him. Gavin registered their familiar faces - Connor and Nines.

"Hey, hey, Gavin, just breathe, okay?" Connor said. He carefully reached out to touch Gavin, but he flinched away and continued to panic. Connor quickly realised that touching Gavin wasn't a solution. "I have some water."

Connor handed Gavin a water bottle. Gavin took it and sipped at the water, which helped only a little bit. The bottle was shaking in his hand.

"Let's breathe together, okay?" Nines said. He began to take deep breaths in with matching exhales.

Gavin shook his head. "L-Leave." He saw Nines' eyes cloud with dejection, but at that moment Gavin could barely even recognise the pain he had caused Nines. He stood up and left.

"Breathe with me," Connor said. "In, and out..."

With the help of Connor, Gavin eventually managed to calm down. He looked at Connor guiltily.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Connor," Gavin said. "Thank you for helping me."

"Of course. I hope that you're okay."

Gavin stood up, wobbling but quickly gaining balance on his feet. He walked with Connor back to the balcony, where everyone had disappeared from. Connor walked with Gavin inside of Human Jericho, where curious faces approached them. Gavin was still shaken up, so his body stiffened.

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