Chapter Twenty-Eight

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There is 4.2k words ahead, hold on to your horses! But, I must ask - is warning y'all about longer chapters even worth it at this point? Lol, hey seem to get longer and longer-!


"Gavin, you don't have to do this," Nines insisted, grabbing Gavin's arm.

Gavin turned around and looked at Nines. "Love, you're acting up again. I heard how much you were struggling, I know how much you hate yourself because of this. But this can be fixed, I just need to get you to my dickhead of a brother."

"I don't want to put you through the rage, grief and anguish I know you will experience by seeing him," Nines replied. "You discovered his state of wellbeing yesterday and it resulted in you assaulting Hank."

"The thing didn't hit him," Gavin said.

"You still threw it at him, Gavin."

"True but also... Die. Wait, no, don't do that. Death is illegal. Please don't die."

"I'll try my best not to," Nines said.

"I promise when we see Elijah I will not smash his head in," Gavin said. "I'll probably yell at him, but I won't-"

"Gavin," Nines said sharply. "Please, please think about this. It's a huge decision, and extremely dangerous."

"Can you have this argument somewhere else?" Amy suddenly cut in.

"Right. Bye," Gavin said. He took Nines' hand and they walked towards the exit of the lab. "Nines, please, he can fix you."

"It's dangerous," Nines replied.

Gavin sighed deeply. In the hallway, the pair power-walked through it. It would forever be an area that made their skin crawl due to the memories attached to a place that was eerily similar. Like every other time, Gavin clung to Nines' side.

"They have to fix that, seriously," Gavin said.

"They do," Nines agree. "Perhaps the walls could be painted. We can talk to Lillain about it."


The two walked in silence up to their bedroom, but the tension in the air between them was thick. They knew that their argument would continue as soon as they stepped through that bedroom door - which is exactly what happened. As soon as they were in their room and the door had shut behind them, Gavin spoke.

"You are going to end up killing me if you don't get fixed."

Nines looked at Gavin as a look of horror crossed his face, like he was fighting against the mental imagery of attacking Gavin again, or the memories of his attempted murder. Which is exactly what Nines was doing. The thought of harming Gavin again in any way shattered his metaphorical heart into pieces.

"Gavin, please don't make me think about that."

"If you do kill me, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself," Gavin continued. He knew that Nines was becoming emotionally vulnerable, and he needed to convince him that leaving to see Elijah Kamski was the right idea - even if Gavin wanted so desperately wanted to punch up his stupid, smug face.

There was a knock at the door.

"Not now," Gavin said.

"Can I come in?" Connor's voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Ugh, fine, whatever," Gavin answered. Both men looked at the door as Connor walked into the door, shutting the door tentatively behind him.

"Are you two okay?" Connor asked.

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