Chapter Nine

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The lights of dawn were filling up the sky as the trio spent the entirety of the night walking through the streets, and occasionally ducking and hiding to avoid being seen by androids on patrol.

As Gavin walked, something hit him. This was the first in a long time since he had been outside. He felt the cool night breeze gently flow against him and stir his hair only in the slightest. After two years, he was free. 

But not entirely. Gavin wasn't out of the woods yet, there was still the looming threat of being recognized and captured - even with his android disguise. Gavin looked up at Nines, who was staring ahead with unreadable expression.

Whenever Gavin was too weak to walk on and had to ask to stop, Nines and Connor seemed confused. Gavin had to remind them that Gavin was a human and had certain stamina levels.

"So it's like giving your biocomponents a rest whenever they have a chance of being damaged or weakened," Connor had said, to which Gavin had nodded. "Strange. Androids can go for weeks, months even."

"It's because humans are weak," Nines had replied to that, which made Gavin give an offended scoff.

Gavin shook away the recent memories. "So, how far away are we?"

"We will arrive at ten, just like said. Although, we might have been earlier if you didn't need rest," Nines said. Gavin flipped him off.

"We will like arrive earlier," Connor said, looking at Gavin. "Since you decided we should take shortcuts. What did you say? 'My leggy boys really be needin' the quick way'? I still do not understand what that human gibberish means."

Gavin felt his cheeks flush as some embarrassment rolled over his shoulders. "It was nothing but truth, Connor. I will t-pose on your grave."

"What?" Now Connor seemed even more confused. "I doubt you will outlive me. What is a t-pose?"

Gavin noticed that when Connor said that, a new emotion came to light in Nines' eyes and he glanced away from the pair. Gavin decided not to ask him if anything was wrong; Ni,"es wasn't much of a sharer.

"A t-pose is this." Gavin t-posed at Connor. "People say it died in 2020, when I was a teenager, but the t-pose will forever live on through me."

Gavin felt two unimpressed pairs of eyes on him.

"Okay," Connor said in the tone where you know he wanted the conversation wanted to end.

"Let's keep moving," Nines said sternly, walking faster than he was previously. "It's not the best idea for us to stop moving in broad daylight."

Gavin tried to keep up a steady pace next to Nines and now Connor, but he was visibly struggling. "Wait, slow down oh my God! Your legs are too long for me!" he complained. Nines turned around and just scooped Gavin up off his feet, which caused Gavin to deeply blush. "Oh, okay, this works too. Thank you."

Nines rolled his eyes and switched from holding Gavin bridal style to effortlessly carrying him over his shoulder. Gavin's abdomen was now being squashed and he wanted to complain but he didn't. Gavin decided that this position was 'eyes at the back of my head' phrase taken seriously, as he was lugged head-first over Nines' shoulder.

The trio went back to travelling in science as the sun steadily rose higher and higher. Gavin saw a few early waking androids gave him strange and questioning looks. Gavin ended up lowering his head to not strain his neck and spine.

Someone stopped Nines and asked if he was carrying a dead body, to which he responded to turning so Gavin was facing the android. "Do I look dead?"

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now