Chapter Sixteen

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Gavin's jaw dropped as he watched the person emerge from out of the darkness. Shock coursed through his body as a flashback of the day of the massacre ripped through his mind.

"Hank fucking Anderson. The fuck are you doing alive?"

Hank was a lieutenant at the Detroit Police Station; a superior officer to Gavin. They had always been openly hostile towards each other, with Gavin's ambitions making it so he was jealous about Hank's achievements. Hank was older and more experienced, but he still had felt resent - and the aggressive nature of both parties didn't help.

Gavin had remembered Hank being taken away by androids, and he had just presumed that it would be so he could be murdered. Seeing the unhealthy old man alive was something that he was not expecting.

"I could ask you the same thing," Hank replied. 

As Gavin tried to process that his former coworker  was alive and standing right in front of him.

"Hank!" Connor yelled out, launching himself at the human and giving him a tight hug. "I haven't seen you since…"

"Hey Connor," he chuckled whilst hugging back.

"What, you gay or something?" Gavin sneered.

"No, but you are quite that with Nines," Connor said. "Don't be hypocritical."

"Whatever." Gavin stepped towards Hank. "How are you alive, old man? You're not the healthiest person."

"Well, how are you alive?" Hank asked.

"I'm barely alive. Every day has been a struggle. There is no escape from this eternal, impending doom. About two days ago I saw creatures not meant to exist. I have been malnourished, underfed, and have been lacking sleep for two years."

"... Okay then. Well, that sucks for you but I haven't been too better off. Getting food is tough, and a lack of liquor makes me wanna die," Hank said. "Where's Eloise?"

"Eloise? You mean the back-stabbing bitch?" Gavin responded with venom lacing his tone. 

"What? Gavin, she's not like that. What happened?" Hank demanded. He seemed alarmed now. 

"She disappeared and not too long after, Connor and I were being chased by androids," Gavin said. "Obviously, it was her."

"Oh no." Hank was clearly dismayed. "No wonder why she hadn't contacted me! Gavin, she wouldn't have betrayed you. She would've been captured."

"... Oh."

Hank seemed stressed. He gripped at his hair. "Fucking damn it! She was a great person to have around. She was probably discovered to be a human smuggler… ugh."

"Either way. You're alive. I…"

The situation hit Gavin, finally. In front of him was another human – a human giving Gavin hope that there are others alike them.

"It's a good fucking thing I found you!" Hank suddenly said. "These tunnels are dangerous. You're lucky that I knew you were coming. I was going to meet your group halfway, but when you weren't there I figured something must have happened. You were taking the slowest route, by the way, ya fucking idiots. Not you Connor, mostly just Gavin."

Gavin flipped him off. "Fuck you."

"Apparently that's Nines' job," Hank said with no hesitation. Anyways, those monsters you mentioned? The numbers get a lot worse as we go along. Do you have weapons?"

"What do you mean by weapons? 'The fuck would I get that shit from?" Gavin replied.

"You are here without weapons!? You really are stupid!" Hank snapped. "You would've died if I hadn't found you! Here, I might have something." 

Detroit: Become Human - Darkened Skies (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now