Chapter I - Unbound

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A: This does have same/similar characters from HellGaze, but no Axel. I'm making this a big thing.

I laid down on the cold concrete apartment, while the target walked out of a fancy hotel.

Me: Bullseye.

I pulled out my phone, and dialed his number.

Target: Hello?

Me: Alright, you've got 1 minute. I'll give you my credit card number and information, all you have to do is send me the number.

Target: Who is this?

Me: A man with a very important job to do.

Target: I don't have time for this.

Me: Ah-ah-ah, not so fast... Get in the car... ka-blam.

Target: You're threatening me?

I turned on my laser sight, flashing right in his face.

Target: What's that light?

Me: Ignore it. It'll save your life.

Target: Is that...

Me: Shut it, and you'll live.

Target: How much do you want?

Me: How about... 45 Million.

Target: 45 M-

Me: Is that hesitation I sense?

Target: *Sigh* 45 Is good.

He looked down to his phone, sent the money to my bank account, and we were done.

Target: So, we're good?

Me: Not exactly...

Target: What?

Me: Samael sends his regards.

I pulled the trigger, watching him fall over like a bag of bones as the bullet went straight through him like crap through a goose. I put my rifle back in it's case, got up, turned around, dropped 3 sixes of diamonds (playing cards), summoning a pentagram, which I stepped onto, emerging in the pits of hell. Well, not exactly pits. More civilized than most would believe. Like a giant city. I walked through the cold, unforgiving workplace, to see my two good friends, Rogun and Gore.

Rogun: You're back. How much?

Me: Job was 23 Million. Just pocketed 45.

Gore: Sweet. What're you doing with the money?

Me: Whatever I want.

I looked over to see our 'superior', Myron.  All talk but no walk. He walked through the doors, wearing his ever-so-fancy armor, that cocky smirk on his face.

Myron: Do you have it?

Me: 23 Big ones. I'll send it to you.

I quickly transferred the money, and he was on his way.

Me: Thanks for not ratting me out.

Gore: Hey, you'd do the same for us.

Rogun: That Asshole.

We all hated Myron. Cocky asshole bought his way up. Never worked a day in his life. Devil wants someone dead, he kicks it under the bed for us to clean up. I saw my chest communicator flash red, which could only mean one thing: the devil needs something of me. I quickly ran up the stairs, doing my best to not keep him waiting, to the top of the tower. I went down on one knee in front of the man himself; Samael. The Devil.

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