Chapter XXVI - Enemies Old And New

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We ran upstairs, and looked at Nikki.

Me: What? What is it?

Nikki: Damien's invading with an army of demons!

Jake: Son of a bitch!!

Me: Alright, time to do what we do best.

Max: And what would that be?

Me: . . . Fight like hell.

We ran outside and charged. I went for Damien. He saw me, but by the time he did, I had dropkicked him in the face, sending him into a wall.

Damien: Ah, how I missed this.

Me: You son of a... You've got a lot of nerve coming back here.

Damien: I came to do what I should have done a long time ago...

Me: Let's end this... Brother.

I ran at him, swinging my sword into his, but he deflected it each time. He cut me across the stomach and on my arm, but that didn't stop me. I used my sword to slice his legs, and then I kicked him against the wall, and drove my fist towards him, which he quickly dodged. I backed up, and Nekros spoke.


Let's do this.

The edges of the gauntlet started to glow a bright red, and I flew at him with an unusually fast superman punch, knocking him against the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Damien: WHAT?! How do you have that?

Me: It's just who I am...

I charged at him with a Stage I Exeed Superman Punch, and hit with a right-right-left-right uppercut, following up with an air slam, whipping him towards the pavement.

Me: Had enough yet?

Damien: ...

Me: Then die quickly.

I went for a sword strike to his head, but he rolled out of the way, and tackled me into a wall. I grabbed his head, slammed it against the wall, and rammed my knee into his head. He hit the ground, and looked at me with his bloody and beaten face.

Damien: What... What are you?

Me: Your worst fucking nightmare.

Damien: This... Isn't over...

Me: Yes it is.

I went for the head, but he teleported out of sight, and all his demons were killed.

Me: Motherfucker...

Zeph: Cool your jets, Captain One-Liner. He ran like a little bitch, and we're done here.

Grimm: Okay... People are dead...

Jake: Let's get outta here.

We headed home after a day of killing shit for the sake of humanity, chilling out in the living room with no shirts and the AC cranked.

Jake: Damn, this feels good...

Zeph: You said it...

Me: Don't get too comfortable, now. We got a lot of problems ahead of us. Hey... Jake..

Jake: Yeah?

Me: Did you get one of those dragon gauntlet thingies?

Jake: As a matter of fact, yes: Oberon: The Silver Dragon, also known as the Radiant Dragon.

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