Chapter XIV - Traitor

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Allister's (GHOST) POV, The Next Morning...

I woke up, covered in blankets, and was almost sweating. I looked over, and felt Sam's arm laying across my side. I turned my head toward her, and felt another arm touch my chest, and saw Brie, laying to my right, and behind her, Wynter, facing the wall.

*Sigh* Sam...

I slowly tried to make my way out of bed, when Sam pulled me back down, her eyes mostly closed.

Sam: Not yet, baby...

Me: Isn't this normal for you to drag me back to bed?

Sam: Now it is...

Me: *Sigh* Fine, you win.

I playfully gave in to her, and laid back down for an extra hour. When she was really out, I was finally able to put a pair of jeans on, go downstairs, and sit on the couch with Jake, Zeph and Grimm.

Me: Any word on Max?

Zeph: Nothing yet. Been a month or two since we last saw him.

Me: We should hunt him down. We don't know where he is, and that could be bad, for all of us.

Zeph: How do you propose to find him? We have no leads, and there's no guarantee he'll play nicely.

Jake: I hate to be that guy, but we may have to consider force. We need him back here. We have no idea what friends he's making.

Nikki: Hey guys, we got a deal!

Me: What now?

Nikki: Another Crystal is rising, but it's... A mile underground?

Me: Wait, you get knowledge on these things?

Nikki: Yeah, I hardwired the Crystals into our systems. Easy fix.

Grimm: Alright boys, let's move out. We can worry about Max later.

I got dressed, then headed out. We got in the chopper, with Sadie flying, and Nikki as an info person. We headed out to the grassy field, beside a mountain cave. We landed on a perfectly flat patch of grass, and suited up.

Me: So, you're sure you wanna come?

Sadie: I can handle myself. No need to worry.

Me: Alright. Let's go.

We headed into the cave, Zeph and Grimm stayed near the entrance, while Jake, Sadie and I moved out. We slowly moved through a thick layer of dust, then made our way to a pitch black clearing. Well, pitch black for them, I could see just fine. Jake made a light orb, which lit the giant room up, and the walls were lined with demons.

Sadie: Shit.

Me: Fire!!

We all started shooting, Sadie and Jake using projectile swords, while I just used a shadow Gattling Gun, and mowed the lawn. Once we cleaned house, we stopped for a breather, while I made a pocket zone, which made it a lot easier to breathe fresh air. Jake lit the room up, and we sat down for a bit.

Sadie: Oh god, that's a lot better. Hey Nik', how far are we?

Nikki: You're about halfway th-

We heard a pause, then she continued.

Nikki: That's odd... the signature is coming from the other side of the mountain now.

Sadie: Oh great, more walking?!

Jake: You know, we can stop for a while if you need to.

Sadie: No, I'm fine. Let's keep going.

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