Chapter XXII - A New Leader

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Jake's POV, Months Later...

I watched the whales come into the bay at sunset, enjoying themselves as I did myself. For the first time in god knows when, I felt relaxed. I just sat, by myself, only myself. Been sticking it solo since Ghost took over hell. Don't plan on going back until I need to. He turned his back on everyone. We ended up burying the hatchet with everyone... well, except Max. Buddy's been pissed since Ghost "took" Brie from him, but now, I think she's turning towards me. Grimm can see it just as good as I can, and she's coming on to me. I mean, yeah, she's hot, and I wouldn't mind going out with her, it's just that... I've known her for so long, she's more like a best friend than a girlfriend. We were good friends even before this whole thing exploded. Been friends since we were kids. I got back on my bike (Motorcycle), and sped off. Heading back home, I parked the bike, and laid on the couch, like we all used to. It's been a rough few months. Tougher than ever. Ghost turned heel, and now I've gotta be the hero. But the thing is... I'm not the kind of hero everyone expects me to be. That's the thing that stresses me out the most. Worst part is, I'm too nervous to tell anyone about it. I was alone, until Grimm sat across from me, seeing how stressed I was.

Grimm: What's wrong?

Me: Nothing...

Grimm: You'll have to try harder than that, man. Is it stress? Brie? Ghost?

Me: Stress, more than anything.

Grimm: Well, what's up?

Me: *Sigh* I'm not the leader everyone expects me to be.

Grimm: What do you mean?

Me: Everyone thinks I'm this subtle leader who always has a plan, no matter how quick things change, or how hard it gets, but... I'm not. I'm not who everyone expects me to be.

Grimm: Dude, I'm your oldest friend. You don't think I hadn't noticed? I'm with you all the way, there's nobody who knows you better than me.

Suddenly, Brie walks in, and Grimm heads out, giving us some space.

Brie: How're you hanging?

Me: Angry, depressed, the list goes on.

Brie: Sorry to hear that...

She wrapped her arm around me, sitting beside me.

Me: You and Amanda clear things up?

Brie: Yeah, we all started fresh, but we haven't seen anyone for a while. The most I know, Sadie has her own gun shop, Amanda and Wynter left together, God knows where, and that's the most I know.

Me: Where's Sam?

Brie: In hiding. Last thing she said before she left went something along the lines of "After what I've done, I can't forgive myself." Then left. I just hope she's ok.

Me: I hope so...

Suddenly Nikki came downstairs, and hopped on the computer, doing her thing, while I just fell asleep with my white leather jacket on my face. I woke up about an hour later, hearing the computer going off. It took me a long five seconds to click in, and put my jacket on. I met everyone outside, grabbing my sword from beside the door.

Me: So, the uglies are back in town?

Grimm: Then let's send them back to where they came from.

We headed off, and ran into the sewers, where the demons were spawning. We charged balls-first into battle, hacking and slashing at every demon we came across, and found our way to the center of the hive, which was heavily guarded.

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