Chapter XI - Regicide

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We went two ways up the tower. The others went right upon entering, while we went left. We ended up in an old library, and searched for a door.

Me: Anyone got anything?

Sam: No.

Amanda: I'm bummed out here.

Wynter: Nope, nothing.

Me: Well, we either start yanking books off shelves, or we keep looking.

We made a mess of the place, and found the last shelf.

Me: Please be a secret door, please be a secret door...

I pulled on a few books, found the right one, and the bookshelf slid into the floor.

Me: Yay! Secret door!

We went through the passage, and found an altar. A Wraith Altar.

Brie: What the hell...

Wynter: Our past ain't exactly pretty.

Sam: This is Wraith?

Me: Yeah. But, our people have mellowed.

We moved on, and found a flight of stairs. We went up, and climbed for a long time, and got to the top. We exited to the roof, where we saw one man standing there, a giant behemoth of a sword across his back.

Me: You guys sit this one out. This is my fight.

I walked towards him, and stood directly across from him.

Me: It's been a while since we last met... Brother.

Seth: Indeed it has...

Me: Just tell me, why did you resurrect this giant tower? Was it power? Fortune? What was it?

Seth: As much as I hate to admit it, the devil has me on a leash. If I stop you from killing Damien... He'll grant me my life back. And that's what I want more than anything.

Me: Seth... I know, I want the life we had just as bad as you do... But it can't go back to the way it was. We can stop him together.

Seth stood, while a shadowy figure came out from behind him. I grew a lot more upset when the monster dare show his face.

Me: . . . Damien.

Damien: Yes, he is on a leash... my leash. If he kills you, he can have his life back. Or, so he thinks.

Me: You son of a bitch!

Damien: You dare call our mother a bitch?

Me: From what I know, she ain't my mom. My only problem is you.

Damien: Shall we settle the matter?

Me: Let's.

Seth walked towards the edge, summoned a portal, and vanished into it. I signaled Wynter to make a shadow cage around us, and she did. Me and Damien started circling each other, like the predators we were, just waiting to tear each other apart. I noticed his arm was skeletal, but trickling with red electricity. We stopped after a moment, waited in silence, and when the rain heavily poured, we fought. I ran at him, opening with a left-left-right combo, and finished with a boot to the chest. He returned with a sweep, and a stomp to the leg. I sweeped him, and backed up, giving myself some breathing room. We decided to start going all out, I summoned a shadow sword, while he summoned a sword from red, hellish electricity. Our blades crossed, creating red sparks that lit up the roof. We went at each other at speeds unrivaled by all, slashing and slicing at each other, not backing down an inch.

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