Chapter VI - Lost In Regret

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I stood on the tallest point on the tallest church, my six wings fully expanded about twenty meters long, looming over the city. I stayed there for most of the night, which felt like an eternity... mourning in "my own way..." Just taking time off to think about this. I viewed the city from the mountain-top church, watching like a hawk. Autumn wouldn't want me to mourn. She would want me to kill him ultimately... And we could either be very close, or very far from that point in time. I ripped his arm off, so that's a good sign.

[Timeskip to a few days later, same place]

As I stood on the top of the church for the seventh day in a row, the sun started to rise, so I went back inside, where I saw Amanda, sleeping on the couch. I just kept walking, went upstairs, and saw Wynter hooked up to all sorts of medical shit.

Me: *Damn, kid, how bad did he hit you?*

I felt a strange energy rise to the top of the surface, and I was almost controlled by it. I went inside, walked right beside her, and placed my hand on her heart.

Me: RISE...

She snapped awake, gasping for air, and paused for a moment. She hugged me, tears streaming down her face.

Wynter: Thank you...

Me: It's ok... It's ok...

She held on to me right, when Amanda walked in, and almost had a heart attack. She rushed to my side, and gave her sister the biggest hug I've ever seen. They both cried into each other's shoulders, while I walked into the next room, where Max laid down, wearing a cast. I walked over to him, put my hand just south of the break, and forced my energy into it, closing the break, and healing it. He moved his arm perfectly, and looked at me in shock.

Max: How did-

Me: This is the power of the night. I was able to bind the break closed, and fused the bone back together. You're welcome.

Max must've misheard Amanda's tears of joy for crying for sorrow, and walked out the door.

Max: Not agai-

He looked to see Amanda hugging her sister, and looked back at me in more shock, as I was leaning on my back against the wall.

Max: Is this you too?!

Me: ...Yup.

Max: ...I'll be damned.

Max walked downstairs, and gave everyone the good news. I simply waited outside, relaxing in the sunlight. I wore my usual black attire, but I felt unusually weaker during the day. I guess even shadows have their limits. After everyone had their big exciting moment, Sadie walked outside, and gave me the scoop.

Sadie: How'd you be interested in going to Egypt?

Me: By "Going to Egypt," you mean go a hot as hell desert, and through a temple filled with dangerous traps and dark hallways, with a chance of interference, AND THEN DEMONS, all to get an artifact that may or may not be there?

Sadie: Umm... Yeah.

Me: When do we leave?

Sadie: One hour. It's you, me, Max, and the twins.

Me: You sure Wynter should be going on this job?

Sadie: She insisted. She's eager, and she's never felt better. I gave her the OK. I was just as on the fence as you are.

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