Chapter III - Titan Killer

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I woke up, and slowly made my way past Autumn, so I wouldn't wake her up, put on some jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair of grey socks, and headed downstairs. Nobody was up yet, so I hopped on the computer to do my homework on Damien. The only things that came up was that he controlled dark magic, as well as being the Devil's son. But then, I opened a different folder, and saw what he really was: the strongest demon in hell, cast into exile, due to his strength. But he broke out of exile, and slaughtered millions in cold blood. I turned around to see Autumn walking up beside me.

Autumn: He's was a genocidal maniac, and he's going to resurface. We don't know when. We can only guess.

Me: So why are we worried?

Autumn: He has the power alone to take over the world, and we don't know if we can stop him.

Me: Oh.

Suddenly the computer started going off.

Me: We got somethin'. Twenty demons, and they're all in one place... perfect.

Autumn: You're going in alone?

Me: Yeah. Might be more of a challenge.

I headed outside, and the wings came out. I flew above the city, and dive bombed the demons, and went to work. I whipped out the shadow chain, lashed it at a few demons, making a twisted shish kebab, and spun them around, taking out any other demons. Surprisingly, I got all of them... or so I thought. I was greeted by a foot, which sent me across the street. I got up, and faced it.

Me: Now this is my kinda rain!

It charged at me, so I made a sword from shadows, and sliced it's leg, while spinning around like a top. I severed the leg, and changed from sword to shotgun, and held it up at the demon.

See ya, stupid.

I pulled the trigger, sending a shower of dark pellets through its brains. I flew back to base, and walked inside. At this point, everyone was up.

Me: Early bird bites the dust.

Max: How'd you manage on your own?

Me: Too easy.

Max: Yeah, I'm starting to think you're overpowered.

Me: Same here. Hell, even the shotgun.

Max: Double barrel?

Me: Triple.

Amanda: Why the hell do you need three barrels?!

Me: Why stop at two?

Nikki: Probably so he can kill stuff deader.

Me: Exactly.

I headed outside, and sat down for a moment. I could tell Sam was shadowing me, but I didn't give it away just yet. I just put my head in my hands, and I think I drifted off, because I was laying on the bench. I got back up, and looked towards Sam, who was still watching me.

Me: You know I knew you were there all along?

Sam: I don't trust you, and you don't trust me.

Me:  Someone killed my dad, and I should've been doing the same thing you're doing.

Sam: You have no clue what it felt like-

Me: I do.

She looked confused, but I kept going.

Me: When I was about 22, my parents and brother were gunned down... Dead. I made myself a promise. Find the man who killed them, and let him have a taste of what he had coming. And I'm still looking.

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