Chapter XII - One Month Later

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Sam's POV, One Month Later...

I stood at the door, waiting for Jake to get back from his job. I checked my phone to see if he called me, but I was greeted by the same wallpaper I've had for this past week. It's been a month since he went off grid. No calls, no texts... nothing. He went silent after he killed Damien. A lot of us did. The look of murder on his face... It scared me. I saw Jake walk up, and he met me at the door.

Jake: Cleared.

Me: Good job. I'll meet you inside.

He walked inside, and I was just about to head in, when I felt a tremor from underneath me.

What the hell?!

A red crystal, in the shape of a four-sided diamond, clear as day, rose from the ground, being held up by roots. I slowly walked up to it, and red, shadowlike energy shot into my body. I must've blacked out after that, because I woke up on the bench, Wynter and Jake beside me. I had a terrible headache, and I felt like shit.

Me: What... What happened?

Wynter: I dunno, but that crystal... I've never seen anything like it in my life.

Jake: I've seen something like this before, but I can't place it...

Me: Look something up... I'm just gonna lay here for a bit...

I laid on the bench, and the crystal started glowing. A small piece of crystal broke off, and floated over to me. It turned itself into a necklace, with a thin chain appearing around my neck, which took a galactic appearance, but with a red hue to it. I walked up to the crystal, and placed my hand on it.

What are you? What secrets do you hold? What mysteries? What powers?

It then transported me to a barren, red desert, where the sand was blood red, and not a soul to be seen. I was then greeted by a voice.

Voice: This world is yours to build. You hold infinite power in this place. You and the crystal are one. You are the Red.

Me: Red... got it.

I then noticed my clothes started to change. My green sweater began to turn red, and bright red stockings appeared on my legs. Then, my hair began to change to black, as did my ripped jean shorts, and my shoes, which turned into black, leather boots. I then used my infinite power to create a very futuristic city, monorails, fancy apartments, and to be ironic, I added it all in Eco-friendly fashion. Go Green, in a world of Red. I chuckled at the idea. I installed the crystal, rendering it safe, in the farthest point of the city, which I made a giant headquarters for our warriors. A hall of elite warriors. Valkyries. Twelve generals, then myself, would lead an army of female warriors to victory, and defend the world from evil. I needed some recruits, at least. I went close to the crystal, and placed my hand on it.

Me: Find worthy warriors. Find women who aren't afraid to die for what they believe in. They will defend Valkiya with their lives.

Th crystal broke off twelve more pieces, same like mine, and sent them off. The crystal soon regenerated, and appeared to the crystal-clear, diamond-shaped red jewel it once was. I went back to the real world, and appeared back where I was. I walked inside, feeling much, much more powerful than ever before.

Wynter: Sam?

Me: It's an upgrade.

Wynter: I see you copied my hair?

Me: I see you copied my smartassness?

We both laughed, and I explained how the crystal gave me the similar powers of a Wraith, but different.

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