Post Credits - Beast Of The Apocalypse

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"You think that after I killed my brother, I should rest. That I should try to find peace. But, here's the thing: life doesn't let you take breaks. Just when the earth begins to settle, God throws a stone at it... And believe me, he's winding up. Which means we need to prepare for the next wave... Which is why I am where I am.

Damien was only the beginning. Now that the demons don't have a leader, they've all gone rogue. The Nine Generals went rogue. The armies went rogue. Very few are loyal to my father. He had to get a new council. New Generals.

After that, there was nothing to do.

The odd raid showed up now and then, and we showed up. Hell, who else is supposed to do the dirty work?

Speaking of work, my father, after I killed Damien, asked me to do one last job: Eliminate the rogue armies of Hell...

I think you can tell what my answer was."

Ghost loads and pumps his Four-Barrel Boneduster Shotgun, and held his hand out, revealing the dark gauntlet. A voice spoke to him in his head.

"I do not understand why you do this. They are no longer your people to save. You once fought to protect these people, but now you fight them. Why?"

"They told me these new demons would be Ruthless. Violent. Without Mercy. But, I would be worse. That I would Rip and Tear, until it was done...

...Let's see if they were right."

And he stayed. Fighting the armies of Hell, one by one. Forgetting all morality, forgetting the man he once was. Now, his only motive was to kill, until all was dead. All was ashes. He would burn through the wicked, slash the damned, and crush the weak. He would live up to his name...

Death... The Destroyer Of Worlds."

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