Chapter V - Damien

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He gave a sinister smirk, and looked over to me.

Damien: You must be Ghost. Father has told me things about you.

Me: Then you know you don't stand a chance.

Damien: Well, are we just going to stand here and talk all day... or are we going to fight, like destiny wants us to?

We all went for it, Brienne and Amanda hanging back, firing arrows and fireballs, which Damien either deflected, or dodged. I made a sword from shadows with my right hand, and fought with him, Sam impaled him in the rib cage with her sword, which he didn't even flinch at.

Sam: What?!

He gave her a strong kick, sending her flying across the canyon, while I held my ground. I threw him against a wall, smashed his head in with Omega, and threw him on the ground, following up with a head stomp. He got up, and went for an overhead strike, shock I blocked with my sword. He was surprised at most when I held his sword back.

Damien: You're strong...

Me: I can do this all day!

Damien: Can you?

I shoved him off, but he just slid back on his feet. I ran towards him, and went to grab him with my Omega hand, but it made a somewhat holographic hand, but it was physical, at the same time.

Me: This is new...

Damien: A surprise, but a welcome one for sure. It won't save you from me.

He slowly summoned a hell spear out of thin air, and threw it at me. I didn't have enough time to react, but I was shoved out of the way. I turned to see Autumn, standing with a spear through her heart.


She fell over, and I ran over to her, trying my best to keep her alive. The spear vanished into ashes, and the wound started bleeding profusely.

Me: Autumn, why the hell would you do that?!

Autumn: Because... Because I care.

She tried to pull herself up, but accidentally reached into my pocket, and pulled out the moonstone ring, in the shape of a diamond, that I was going to give her.

Autumn: Is that...

Me: Yeah... It is.

I started to tear up, but she spoke two words that changed my life.

Autumn: . . . I do.

I slowly placed the ring on her finger, when she removed my eyepatch, revealing a silver eye a scar running across it, unlike my blue right eye, and pulled me in for one last kiss. After what seemed like forever, we broke off, and she gave me her farewell.

Me: I love you... so much...

Autumn: I... I love you too.

Her head slowly fell back, and everyone stopped. We lost. I lost. I cried on my knees, Autumn in my arms. I heard footsteps walking towards us.

Damien: Destiny... Is inevitable. Dread it... Run from it... Destiny arrives all the same. Or should I say... I have. I am... Inevitable...

He leaned over to my ear, and whispered.

Damien: ...And what are you?

I saw Autumn glow with a bright light, and fade into ashes, like the demons, but more holy. I stood up, staring him straight in the eyes. My body trickled with shadow energy, and my blood with hatred. My eyes went white as snow, and my bloodlust grew.

Me: I have been called many things... Ghost... Nightmare... Vengeance...

I stood tall in front of him, and clenched my fists.


I grabbed him by the throat, and squeezed. Nobody dared try to stop me. The tendrils from my back shot out, and dark armor clothed my body, like rags, along with a barren mask. He managed to break free, and used everything he had. He sent demons after me, which I killed off with only a swipe of my sword, fueling my bloodlust. He sent more after me, but they failed to stop me. I looked him in the eye, and told him my promise.

Me: . . . You will pay for this.

I drew my sword, and charged at him. He knocked it away, but I summoned my triple barrel shotgun in desperation, and shot him repeatedly. It did do significant damage, but not enough. I summoned another one, and never stopped firing. He just laughed, and knocked me on my back.

Damien: You shall die...

Wynter: Like hell!

She tackled him, trying to save my life, but he smashed her head against the cliff side, knocking her unconscious, and burying her under forty pounds of rock. Max went after him, but got his arm broken, and slammed aggressively against the ground. Damien leaned over to my body, ripped my mask off, and looked me in the eyes.

Damien: I was the one who killed your parents. I was the one who killed Autumn. I was the one who killed your brother. And when I saw the helpless fear in his eyes as I loaded the gun... And heard his scared, effortless cries for help... His screams... It felt so good.

A: And now, all hell breaks loose.

Me: . . . Y O U . . !

I lost it. I snapped into an uncontrollable rage, grabbed his leg with Omega's Mega Claw, slammed him repeatedly on the ground, pummeled him in the face with my right gauntlet, and stabbed him with shadow sword. I kicked it straight through him, and ripped his right arm off. He screamed in pain as it was torn from his body, kicked me away, the arm still in my hand, and teleported out of existence. I looked down at the arm, which was giving the middle finger, so I threw it against the wall. My form faded, and I ran over to Wynter, who didn't move. I dragged her out of the pile of rocks, while Nikki brought the chopper around, and we went home. During the flight, I was silent. Angry. Revengeful. When we got back, I just stayed outside, mourning. I saw Sam come around the corner, and cried into my shoulder.

Sam: I'm so sorry...

Me: Not as sorry as I am..

Sam: Max has a broken arm, Wynter's in a coma, Amanda's a depressing train wreck, Nikki's worried sick, Brie's doing her best to hold everyone together, I'm a wreck... and...

It was the hardest thing to say, but I did.

Me: ...And Autumn's gone... And all of you have seen the real me. Something I swore to never let anyone see.

Sam: I don't hold it against you.

She hugged me tight, heavily crying into my wet shoulder. She eventually fell asleep, but I didn't. Not after today. Today changed me. I snapped. I went from a man to a monster. A weapon of mass destruction. The Wraith was set free. I had no control. No guidelines. No rules. I made a promise, and I plan to keep it. Because I'm not just a man anymore. The Demon in me has awoken... And he's looking for blood.

Sam: I don't care what you are. You're a man with nothing to lose. A man who has lost everything, as I have... We fight him together. You have my trust now.

Me: Thank you... Nice to know we're on the same page.

I got up, and started walking away.

Sam: Where are you going?

Me: ...I need to be alone. I don't recommend you follow.

A: Yes, I know this chapter is short, but I'm trying. Will likely update, or make up for it later on. But hey, at least it's dramatic? Anyways, the next few chapters will be published in one giant bundle, because I have little to no internet to work with. Hope you enjoy!

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