Chapter IX - Why

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Nine hours I waited. Nine hours. I got on the train, and I stopped. Stopped thinking about everything except what she did. I couldn't believe that she would do this to me. She made a deal with the devil, and she was gonna get screwed. Because when she's suck in the burning barn, screaming and crying to the angel to save her life... she won't be shocked when he looks away. Because she started the fire, and she wasn't thinking.

???: You ok there, son?

I looked over to an old man, who looked like he had seen a few wars himself, looking at me from the other side of the isle on an empty train.

Me: Yeah... I'm fine.

Old Man: Doesn't seem like it. You got the look of blood, kid.

Me: Trust me, that's the least of their problems.

Old Man: You know what happens to men looking for blood?

Me: What?

Old Man: They find it... in themselves.

The old man's words hit me like a truck. His words told be I would find hell if I went deeper into this rabbit hole... but it's a risk I'm willing to take. I thanked the old man for his words, and left. I headed further away from home as I was  cornered from all angles by four samurai-looking androids, their armor white and some black.  They held their swords at me, and waited.

Me: Did the hag send you?

They charged at me, but I evaded, jumping over one, and slicing his head off with a sword (Specifically Katana) of shadows. I turned to the other three, who made swift movements, but none fast enough to save themselves. I missed the third one, but he landed on his ass, and to my surprise, begged for his life.

Mech: P-Please... Spare me!

Me: Why should I? You don't feel pain, do you? No remorse, no regret, no honor... After all...

I changed from sword to shotgun, and held it in front of the robot's face.

Me: ...You were dead to begin with.

I pulled the trigger, ending it's miserable  two hour life, and left. I found a dead end, and thought "What the hell?" So I transported my body to the land of Wraiths, to begin my training. I waited at the grounds for a teacher to show up, but to my surprise, Wynter was there.

Me: Hey.

Wynter: What's wrong?

Me: Sam's not who you think she is... She's working underground, helping her mom kill demons and create weapons from their energy.

Wynter: That... doesn't seem so bad...

Me: It gets worse. She placed a bounty on my head.

Wynter: Sam? No, I don't believe that. I don't believe she would do it...

Me: Neither did I... and now look where I am. Long story short, I ain't coming back for a while. Maybe never. Not until she fixes this. Even then, she'll never regain my trust.

Wynter grew angry, but not towards me.

Wynter: I'll kill that-

Me: Save it! If you're pissed off... I've got room for one more.

She eased up, and accepted my offer. A Wraith met us at the grounds, and we began.

Wraith: How strong are you?

Me: Well, I've killed a Titan before.

Wraith: You are stronger than anticipated. But be aware... The light you once knew is not your friend. You must learn to use the dark to defeat the light.

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