Chapter XXIV - Brothers In Arms Pt. 2 - Brotherhood of Man

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Jake's POV

Suddenly, a purple rift began to open. Out walked the man himself.

Me: . . . GHOST.

He stood there, giving us that blank, expressionless stare he gave ever so slightly.

Ghost: You never cease to amaze me, brother... never. I now know what I shall do. When I'm done with you, I'll recreate this world, deeming with Devils. A world that had respect for it's true leader... A paradise.

Max: Born out of blood!

Ghost: Maybe so... But you'll never be alive to tell them.

We all charged Ghost, who held his ground very well against the three of us. Zeph was carried out of battle by Brie and Sadie. I ended up getting knocked on my ass about twenty feet away into a boulder, and watched helplessly as my brothers fought, Grimm doing the most work, while Max stung bits at a time. I got back up, and ran at him, sweeping his leg from out under him. He got back up, and kicked be in the head, knocking me down again. I slowly got up, my rage building. Max and Grimm got flown to opposite sides, when Ghost redirected his attention to me.

Me: You're pissing me off.

Ghost: I just knocked you down twice... Yet you still stand. Why?

Me: ...That's because we're the same. Always angry... Always vengeful... Always seeking revenge.

I stood parallel to him, taking on a similar form.

Ghost: What... is this... Power?

Me: This... This is the other side of me... Brother.

It suddenly got heated. It was the Onyx Emperor against the Silver Sentinel.

Ghost: Why do you refuse to gain power?

Me: You mean the power you swore to never obtain? Our father sent Damien to kill you, but he took Autumn instead, AND YOU'RE TOO BLIND TO SEE IT!


{ 3rd POV }

Jake: I'VE HAD IT!!

Jake ran at his brother, disregarding all safety. Like Ghost, he had snapped. They began to battle, sending massive surges of energy at each other, like waves clashing against one another. Ghost summoned a bow, which tapped into his Black Dragon Energy, and Fired.


He fired the arrow, two large, dark energy dragons swirled around one another, barreling through the battlefield. Jake simply unsheathed his sword, and attacked with his own Dragon Attack.


From the sword emerged a silver dragon, created from the energy made from the power of the Silver Dragon. Jake not only blocked the attack, but moved his dragon in between the two dark dragons, changing their course, sending them back to Ghost. Ghost was dragged back by the winds the dragons tore up, and quickly looked at the marks his feet made while they dragged on the ground, and back at Jake.

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