Chapter VII - The Bro Code

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Heading downstairs, I ran into Nikki, who was making herself a coffee, Brie, Amanda, Sam, and Sadie, who were watching TV, I think it was some Australian documentary... I sat down at the table, and just put my head down.

Nikki: You okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.

I almost passed out there, somewhat pulsing in and out of reality, when Sam tapped my shoulder.

Sam: Hey. We're going out, do you need anything?

Me: No, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Sam: Alrighty then.

She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and the girls and her left, until it was Nikki, Max, Wynter and I. Moving over to the couch, I covered my tired ass in a blanket, and powered down on a folded out couch bed, placing Omega on the wooden table just in time beforehand. I slowly woke up a couple hours later, when it was getting dark. Everyone was inside, so I checked the window from where I was, and saw a large amount of rain pouring outside. The girls ran inside absolutely drenched, and laughing their assed off.

Me: ...What the hell happened?

Sam: We just made it inside, but we're soaked!

Brienne: Why did we have to walk?

Sam: It was your idea!

Sam ended up laying on me with a wet sweater, which gave the other three the idea to lay on me as well. Soon, I had four girls laying on my back and besides me, hugging me with their absolutely soaked clothes, the blanket being my only shield. The other guy would just be turned on, and I'm not saying I wasn't, just by not that much. Also, I was more laughing and enjoying it then turned on. I guess we all have ways of having fun.


I went outside just as the rain stopped, and looked in the clearing sky. I was suddenly surprised by Sam coming from around the corner, catching me off guard with a hug from behind.

Sam: Gotcha, didn't I?

Me: *Sigh* Maybe a little bit.

She let go, and stood beside me, wrapping her fingers around mine.

Sam: Anyways, what are you doing out here with this muggy as shit air?

Me: It'll clear up soon. I'm just trying to catch some fresh air.

Sam: Ah.

We ended up heading inside, agreeing to go out again after it did clear up. She headed to the second floor for something, while Max informed me about something.

Max: She's being unusually friendly towards you, don't you think? Well, her and the other girls too.

Me: Yeah, I noticed that. Do you know why?

Max: Can't say I do, pal. Never seen her liked this in... forever.

Me: You mean she used to be like this?

Max: Yeah, to all of us. She used to be so funny and whatnot, until... until her father died.

Ms: What happened to her?

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