Chapter XXIII - Brothers In Arms Pt. 1 - Saving Zephyr

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Jake's POV

We finally arrived in Paris, but we were shocked at what we saw. The skies and ground were a bright purple, the buildings were destroyed. It was... It was hell on earth.

Grimm: What... What happened here?

Sadie: Why is everything purple?

Me: Ghost must have changed Hell's energy into Wraith energy. Explains the colors, and the--

Nikki: DEMONS!!

We were attacked head-first by three large, scaly, birdlike demons, swooping at our chopper, clawing at the metal.


Me: Shit! HOLD ON!!

We braced for impact, as we slided into the rubble, into a half- destroyed research facility. I blacked out, waking up by myself, who was thrown twenty feet out of the chopper.

Well, Damn. That worked out just magically.

I limped over to the chopper, and saw only Nikki in there. I gently pulled her out, and put her against the wall.

Me: Nik'? You still in there?

Nikki: Ugh... My head...

Me: Nikki? You ok?

Nikki: Yeah... Why didn't I stay home..?

Me: Trust me... I'm starting to wish you did.

We both slowly made it down the hall, a pistol in my right hand, and a knife in my left. Migrating a nearly pitch black research facility with demons running around isn't even close to a living nightmare.


Nikki: BRIE?!

We called out for anyone, not a soul answered. I heard footsteps, and pulled a flashlight in the direction I heard them, and saw an imp, running at us at full speed, from the end of the hallway. Fight-or-Flight quickly kicked in, and I smashed the demon's skull against the floor, then stomped on it. I kneeled over, while trying to catch my breath.

Nikki: Oh god, I don't like it here...

I could easily tell she was afraid by the trembling in her voice. I turned to her, and put my hand on her shoulder.

Me: Nikki... I don't like it either... but I need you to be brave... can you do that for me?

Nikki: Y-Yeah...

I gently gave her the gun and the flashlight, while I held the knife.

Me: If you see something that doesn't look like it belongs... Shoot it.

Nikki: Ok...

She stuck really close to me as we made our way to a dimly lit corridor, and I gripped the knife even tighter. The security system of the facility started to kick in, the large, sliding door closed behind us, locking us in the corridor. Nikki held onto me as we looked down the corridor, the lights only at our end and the opposite end turned on. A large, bull demon turned to us, and roared. It quickly picked up speed, and was in a full on sprint. Nikki started to cry into my chest, and I turned away, praying to take my life only, and to make it quick, while closing my eyes. After what seemed like forever, I looked back to see a familiar purple-haired man, who had stabbed the demon in the brain not five feet away from us. Nikki quickly hugged her brother, crying next to him. I heard her soft voice under her tears just as well as her brother could.

Nikki: I wanna go home...

Max shed a few tears because of his little sister's fear, but gave her a promise.

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