Chapter II - The Squad

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Ghost's POV

After I made bacon and eggs for Autumn, we headed out towards the lake for a walk.

Autumn: So, how're you doing with all this? I mean, it can't be easy.

Me: Well, either it hasn't really hit me, or I'm just dealing with it extremely well. But, do you know the others?

Autumn: I can remember the Max and Nikki, the twins. Purple hair, red eyes. She's good with computers, and he's a sniper slash medic. Then there's Wynter and Amanda. Wynter's the oldest, dark hair, fair tan, and Amanda's the younger sister, no tan, silver hair, both have bigger... features... if you know what I mean.

Me: *Jokingly* I like the sound of that!

She laughed, and continued.

Autumn: And Sadie, brunette, purple eyes, not as sensitive as me, but she can hold her own. And there's Brienne, orange-yellow hair, orange eyes, nice tan, like Wynter, but more... revealing...

Me: You people must be really comfortable at home.

Autumn laughed, and kept going.

Autumn: And there's one more... Sam.

Me: Wait, Her?!

Autumn: As much as you hate her, she's the one who brought us together in the first place.

Me: Well, I can't exactly call her misguided...

Autumn: What do you mean?

Me: When someone killed my dad, I should've been doing the same thing she's doing.

Autumn: I hope she's not there, for your sake.

Me: You better hope she's not there for her sake. Have you ever seen me pissed off?

Autumn: Will I be as scared as last night?

Me: Trust me... Last night's got NOTHING on what I can do.

Suddenly a helicopter came over the trees, and landed perfectly on a flat patch of grass. The the blades came to a quick stop, and the door opened. Out came a purple haired, red eyed man, wearing a dark grey muscle shirt with a white spider logo on it, and black jeans. He walked towards us, and Autumn walked in front of me.

Max: How've you been lately?

Autumn: Doing good, how about you?

Max: Pretty good.

Autumn: Are you and Brie' still a thing?

Max: That... didn't work out.

Autumn: Sorry to hear that.

He took one good look at me, and went back to Autumn.

Max: Who's the edge-lord?

Autumn: His name's Ghost. He's the one I told you about.

Me: Wait, you told him about me?

Autumn: Not exactly. Before I left Aether, I told him about the sons of satan, and how they were still out there. They were tracked down, but we were missing one. The one we never knew about. That's you.

Max: So, what's your story?

Me: I was just a man minding my own business. Joined the military straight outta highs school, was there for about two years before I was shipped home, found out my family was dead. Dad, Mom, Brother, gone. One year later, I was shot in the eye. Dead. Satan gave me a second chance. Asked me to be his bounty hunter. I said yes. Three years, and now I'm retired.

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