Smells Like Teen Spirit (Chapter 1)

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Author's Note: Hello, and welcome! Just a quick note for you beautiful Beans, this story is told from two different P.O.Vs. (Nova and Arizona)
Any chapter that has a pic of the coffee cup with the lipstick and flowers, is Nova.



The cheerleading team soared, flipped, and shouted out to the raucous crowd of high school football observers getting the crowd excited and cheering as it's down to the last ten minutes of the final game of the season.

The Sun City Tigers had been having a great season so far and were undefeated. That was mostly in part to one of their star players; six foot, dark russet brown haired, hazel eyed, dimpled, popular golden boy Arizona Audrey Matthews.

I know, who names their kid Arizona Audrey?

He and his three siblings, an older sister named Montana, an older brother named Dakota, and a younger sister named Georgia, are apparently all named after states that their parents got "litty titty" in and conceived.

Don't get me wrong, their parents are super chill and extremely responsible. Their youth however, not very.

The both of them are very conscientious citizens in the present day believe it or not. In fact, their dad is a Sargent in the police department and their mom a Sociology professor at Sun City University.

All of the Matthews kids were incredibly well-liked in their high school years.
Dakota and Montana were both two of the biggest students in the school and now it was their little brother's turn to join the ranks.
Arizona was admired by all and everyone. He was popular, but not that mean bully kind of popular you see in movies and tv shows.

Arizona, Ari for short, was the thoughtful, friendly, and considerate type. He was so sweet to everyone that he might as well have been bad for your teeth.
It didn't matter if you weren't a jock like him, if you were an emo kid, a massive nerd, or one of those LARP kids; Ari would talk to you. He talked to and appreciated everyone and everyone in turn, talked to and appreciated him.

Ari was the type of guy any girl would be excited to bring home to their parents.
Fathers didn't have to threaten him because he was a respectable young man. He was a real-life gentleman in the flesh. Opening doors, saying "yes sir" and "yes ma'am", helping your ninety-year-old grandmother across the street, type of shit.

He was wholesome, hot, amusing, intelligent, athletic, well-toned, the market.

Blaire Park: cheer co-captain, coal minor black-haired, gorgeous, popular, five foot five inches of "fun sized", not the best attitude but also not the worst, honors and AP student, and a secret artist.

The two of them hadn't been dating for too long, maybe since the ninth grade, (we're currently in the tenth) but they were practically attached at the hip.
They were always walking the halls hand in hand together with their equally as popular crew of friends. Blaire rode with him to and from school with his senior older brother Dakota, they ate lunch together, and they attended parties and dances together. Blaire and Ari were basically the tenth grade king and queen of the school.

Now, you may be wondering where I come into this. I came in late to the football game because my best friend of eight years, Maya Reyes, dragged me here. I'm not really a football type of girl. I like basketball; however, she has had a crush on Ari since the beginning of high school, and wants to see everything he does.

I will tell you honestly; I'm not the biggest fan of Arizona Matthew. I don't really know or understand what it is that makes me not really like him that much. Maybe it's because everyone here falls to their hands and knees over him and praises him like he's the next best thing to Chris and Liam Hemsworth.
I mean, I'm not rude to him and he's never been rude to me, but I'd definitely rather not be here.

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