Year 3000 (Busted Edition) (Chapter 20)

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May 2017:
*Graduation Szn pt. 2*
(Graduating from grad school)

Maya and I are still just as close as we always have been. She is my "ride or die" and I am always and forever grateful to and for her. She has never left my side even during the fights we had or me just being ridiculous and dramatic about something. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. Actually, I take that back. I know what I would do. I would be really sad and lonely.

Maya isn't seeing that guy that she semi-told me about. You know the secret one that she wouldn't even give me any information? Yeah, him. She says they're in the middle of taking a break. Something about him needing to be away for a while for an important future job prospect.
However, to this day she still refuses to tell me who it was she was seeing.

Let me find out it was Remi. That he was actually back in the states and they were secretly seeing each other. I'd kill that hoe.

Just kidding.

She had been going on a few meaningless dates here and there as of recently but nothing she was really putting her heart into. I think she was more so concerned with graduating. We both were. I couldn't wait to be done with school. The both of us started grad school right away. It was a stipulation of our full ride scholarships we managed to gain and win. "No time off, no gap year, as soon as you graduate undergrad, you're back at it and you must finish by the end of 2017!"

We both hated the idea of not having a break, but the outcome was that we graduated grad school earlier. Funny thing is, is that Ari actually got the same scholarship. There were only a handful of students who were graced with this scholarship from our hometown.

The three of us had this super chill, super cool math teacher in high school whose family was loaded. I mean like, Walmart and Disney loaded. Every year, their family awards this full ride grad school scholarship to a handful of students who scored exceptionally well in the state's math exams.

Score well enough and you could be awarded a full ride scholarship to any grad school program, but you had to go straight into school after you graduated undergrad. That coupled with being involved in things on campus and maintaining at least a 3.5gpa.
It also didn't hurt that we three were some of his favorite students.

The three of us managed to obtain this scholarship. That's right, we're some smart hoes.

We also had no life.

We ate, breathed, slept, and shit studying and schoolwork. Add in me having a part-time restaurant job to provide for my other needs and my half of the rent and utilities with Maya; I had no time to keep up with anyone except my immediate family and Maya.

With Ari being so far away in California and also being on a schedule like us, we slowly and painfully lost touch. A good amount of times Maya and I have tried to reach out to him but to no avail. I even asked Remi to see if he could get ahold of him. Funny enough, Ari still keeps in constant contact with Remi. I don't know if I did something to upset him, but I wish I knew.

I think he contacted me once after I asked Remi to check on him, and I was so excited.
I was like, FINALLY! My supposed best friend is back! However, the conversation didn't last long.

Before I could even chastise him for being so distant, he told me he had to go because he had a date he needed to get ready for. I told him to call me the next day to tell me how it went, but he never did.

I believe that is one of the worst things about growing up. Losing touch with people who you thought would be in your life forever. Or at least some variation of forever.

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