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When my alarm clock rang the next morning, I would have preferred to take my mobile phone and clap it against the wall. Instead I pressed the snooze button. I sank back into the warmth of my bed, saw pictures dancing in front of my eye. Until the alarm rang shrill in my ears again. With an annoyed moan I switched it off and buried my face in my pillow. I heard the door open, someone put something on my dessert and Jessie mumbling: "Getting up sleepy".

She disappeared again and I raised my head to see what she had put on the table. I recognized a cup and the sweet smell of coffee rose to my nose. My senses were immediately more alert. The coffee seemed to me like an apology coffee from Jessie, because otherwise she never actually brought me anything to bed. But an apology for what? For having perforated me so much? Or for her behavior at the party. I didn't know, but I had forgiven her for all that anyway. If there was one thing we couldn't do, it would be to be mad at each other for a long time. So I sat up, took the coffee and looked at my cell phone. No new messages. With a sigh I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my social media pages until I ran out of coffee. Together Jessie and I drove to the university. The day was creepy, Jess and I were sitting in our lectures and when we had free time and went out to eat with other people or just sat outside, I was looking inconspicuously for those particular brown eyes all the time. I didn't see him, but after my first lecture I had a:

Good morning

from Leo on my cell phone. In the evening I had to work again and so Monday ended without an exciting incident if you ignored the evil looks Milan and Jessie threw at each other. I wanted to ask them about it, but decided to do it tomorrow because I was too tired after work and Jess was already half asleep. On Tuesday, when Jessie and I had an hour off between two lectures, we decided to get a coffee at Starbucks. We were already standing in the middle of the queue when Tyler suddenly appeared next to us and someone tapped me on the shoulder. Surprised, I turned around and found the brown eyes I had been secretly looking for the previous day.

"Hey," he greeted me with a broad smile.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked and smiled, it was contagious.

"Better now," he said and I heard a throat behind me.

Quickly I turned around and saw Jessie looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, Leo, that's Jessica, my roommate," I explained and gave Jess, who smiled contentedly, an evil look.

"Yes, you may not remember, but we've already met," he said and scratched his head as if it was unpleasant for him.

"Kathie told me everything, don't worry," she said, smiling at him with her most charming smile before turning back to Tyler.

"Kathie, I wanted to ask you something," he said, nervously rubbing his hands against each other.

"What?" I asked eagerly.

"What are you doing after university?

"Sleep, I guess," and laughed bitterly.

"Well, maybe if you'd like to do something, we could have another cup of coffee or go out for dinner," he asked indirectly and looked at me so hopefully that I couldn't even say no.

"If I may pay this time, gladly', I said provocatively.

"Absolutely not," he said amused and sounded as if this scenario was unthinkable for him.

"Then I must probably refuse", I teased him.

He looked at me for a few seconds and then said: "We can argue about it later".

"All right," I agreed and he grinned.

"All right. When will you have your last lecture," he asked.

"The last one ends at 4 pm," I explained and ordered my Frappuccino.

"We'll meet at the fountain?"He asked and I nodded approvingly.

He and Tyler accompanied us to our lecture hall and we talked all the time. Jessie seemed to like him too, I felt that. The atmosphere between us was good and I didn't want to go into the lecture hall, but at some point I had no other choice.

But before I could enter the auditorium, Tyler shouted behind me: "Oh and Kathie. Sorry about my behavior at the party.

I showed him the middle finger and he laughed. When we sat down, Jessie looked at me conspiratorially from the side.

"What?" I asked carefully and unpacked my laptop.

"God Kathie, you're so lost," she said, looking at me with my head crooked.

"Oh, no, I'm not. I hardly know him," I moaned annoyed, it was enough for me so slowly.

"Yes, perhaps. But you behave quite differently. As if you had shifted back two gears," she said.

I was silent.

"You've never behaved like that before," she noticed and turned her gaze forward again when the teacher came.

All this time I had to think about what she had said. Because she was right, I behaved really differently. I've never met a boy on a date before, usually just built a physical bond. But with Leo it was different, I wanted to talk to him, see him.

After I had told Jess after my last lecture what I was going to do, whereupon she just looked at me shaking her head, I packed my things and ran as fast as I could to the big well, which was a popular meeting place for the students. But it wasn't hard for me to spot the boy with the black hair. Smiling I walked up to him and felt the anticipation in me.

"I thought you weren't coming," he said and embraced me in greeting. Once again I noticed that I wished he would hold me longer. Not only that, but he hadn't hugged me when we met at Starbucks. Did that mean anything? Maybe he didn't want Tyler to know that we were dating. The thought seemed strange to me, someone dating.

"So, are you hungry?" he asked and looked at me.

I actually had it, I hadn't eaten anything all day.

"Yes", I said with a grin.

"Are you up for pizza," Leo asked carefully.

"Pizza sounds good," I said and we strolled off.

"I know a good Italian, just around the corner," he said and pointed in that direction.

It was true, I had already heard about the Italian we entered. We sat down in the still relatively empty guest room and ordered. I had been here with friends before, so I knew exactly what I wanted to eat.

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